TechRadar's 10 favourite technologies of 2008
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| 1. Open source software
| 2008 has done wonders for the image of open source
| software. In fact, you could argue that Linux had a
| breakthrough year. Although we're now on Ubuntu 8.10
| (Intrepid Ibex), version 8.04 (Hardy Heron) has done much
| to spit-and-polish Linux for a mainstream audience.
| Netbooks like the Asus Eee have the option of the Xandros
| distro, while the Acer Aspire One runs Linpus Linux Lite.
| Open source software has also made great strides into the
| mobile arena with Android, while Nokia bought out the
| Symbian OS this year and promptly announced it would make
| it free to developers. Nice.
Google Watchers Strike Down Google Netbook Notion
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| Now, I've already said I agreed with many who believe an
| Android netbook isn't farfetched. Linux distributions such
| as Xandros and Ubuntu have proliferated on netbooks,
| causing some folks to opine that 2009 could be the year we
| see a crack in Microsoft's Windows hegemony.
| Well, if Xandros and Ubuntu can make it on netbooks, why
| can't Android, as I asked Friday? Google Watchers have
| answered the call, doubting the appearance of Android on
| netbooks anytime soon.
Microsoft to limit capabilities of cheap laptops
Microsoft U-turn to stop Linux dominating ultra low cost PCs