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[News] GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks Come in Decent Numbers

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A Brave New World

,----[ Quote ]
| I've got a couple of Eee PCs (a 7" and a 9") that are handy around the house. 


Computers become like phones. They are cheap. They run Linux and where they
somehow have Windows fitted in Microsoft can't figure out how to make money
from them.


Linux Carried Along on Netbooks Wave

,----[ Quote ]
| Morvay revealed to Linux Magazine Online that there were no specific figures
| for Linux netbook sales, but that it lay somewhere in the 40th percentile.
| Even though this figure seems a little high, it is known that many of the
| world's netbooks have Linux on board since their first inception 18 months
| ago.
| For example, notebooks with Linux make up about 5.5% of the notebook market
| in Germany...


Microsoft Missing Out on Netbook Growth as Linux Wins Sales

,----[ Quote ]
| Small laptops are becoming a big problem for Microsoft Corp.'s Windows
| business.
| A new breed of lightweight computers called netbooks are beginning to crack
| the company's dominance of operating systems. Acer Inc. and Asustek Computer
| Inc., which together account for 90 percent of the netbook market, are using
| the rival Linux software on about 30 percent of their low-cost notebooks.
| The devices, which usually cost less than $500, are the fastest-growing
| segment of the personal-computer industry -- a trend that's eating into
| Microsoft's revenue. Windows sales fell short of forecasts last quarter and
| the company cut growth projections for the year, citing the lower revenue it
| gets from netbooks. When makers of the computers do use Windows, they
| typically opt for older and cheaper versions of the software.


Microsoft Battles Low-Cost Rival for Africa

,----[ Quote ]
| In Nigeria, Microsoft proposed paying $400,000 last year under a
| joint-marketing agreement to a government contractor it was trying to
| persuade to replace Linux with Windows on thousands of school laptops. The
| contractor's former chief executive describes the proposal as an incentive to
| make the switch -- an interpretation Microsoft denies. In Namibia and
| Nigeria, where it has sought government contracts, the company hired family
| members of government officials. Microsoft says they were qualified.
| [...]
| On Oct. 30, Mandriva announced it had won the contract to provide Linux
| software for the Classmates. Microsoft didn't give up. The next day, it
| delivered TSC a revised draft agreement with an "effective date" of Nov. 1,
| documents show. It offered to pay $400,000 to TSC. In the revised agreement,
| there no longer was any mention of TSC having to comply with Microsoft's code
| of conduct.
| In an Oct. 31 email, TSC told Mandriva that there had been a "change in
| circumstances," and that it "has recently reached an understanding with
| Microsoft to convert" the Classmates from Linux to Windows.
| Mandriva's chief executive, Francois Bancilhon, responded by posting "an open
| letter to Steve Ballmer," Microsoft's CEO, on Mandriva's Web site. "What have
| you done to these guys to make them change their mind like this?" he
| wrote. "It's quite clear to me, and it will be to everyone. How do you call
| what you just did, Steve? There are various names for it, I'm sure you know
| them." Mr. Bancilhon declined to elaborate on his letter.
| In the end, the joint-marketing agreement was never signed, and the Microsoft
| deal unraveled. Microsoft says it gave up after "it became clear" that the
| Nigerian government wanted Linux.
| The laptops were delivered with Linux.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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