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[News] Voice Synthesiser Comes to GNU/Linux

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Wizzard launches AT&T's Text-to-Speech version for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Wizzard Software, a provider of speech technology applications, has announced 
| the availability of version 4.2 of AT&T Natural Voices Text-to-Speech for 
| Linux.  


"everytime you say things like this i just think of that cult of people
who send around .doc files. i dont want to communicate with people who
talk in .doc format, but they do not wish to use something else, so
they discredit those without word."

                                        --Ed, c.o.l.a.


Discovery - VSTi Analog Synthesis For Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Years ago one of Linux's finest audio software developers suggested that I
| should keep a watchful eye on the Windows/Mac music software scene. I took
| that suggestion to heart and joined a variety of Windows/Mac-centric lists
| and forums. I've been able to run many Windows/Mac music programs under the
| Wine emulator, so my participation has gone beyond mere lurking.



Audio/Visual Synthesis: The New Arts, Part 2

,----[ Quote ]
| In this second part of my survey I focus on the tools that achieve this new
| synthesis of arts. Alas, due to space constraints I am unable to include all
| the software I would like to have reviewed, but perhaps a future article will
| deal with those programs. Meanwhile, I present to my readers these brief
| profiles of Pd, Fluxus, and AVSynthesis. Each of these programs takes a
| different approach to the practical concerns of blending images (moving or
| still) with sound (realtime or recorded).


Audio/Visual Synthesis For Linux: The New Art, Part 1

,----[ Quote ]
| As mentioned above, my focus has been on software intended for creative
| artists, with an emphasis on realtime or near-realtime processing
| capabilities. I have purposefully ignored Cinelerra, Blender, and other
| similar applications that are better understood as video sequence editors and
| compositors, though they share some of the tools and techniques of the
| software I'll profile in the next part of this article. Until then, hasta la
| vista (y la sonida) !
| [...]
| As mentioned above, my focus has been on software intended for creative
| artists, with an emphasis on realtime or near-realtime processing
| capabilities. I have purposefully ignored Cinelerra, Blender, and other
| similar applications that are better understood as video sequence editors and
| compositors, though they share some of the tools and techniques of the
| software I'll profile in the next part of this article. Until then, hasta la
| vista (y la sonida) !


Give Me 3 Synths, Part 3

,----[ Quote ]
| This article concludes our tour of some of the recent (and not-so-recent)
| software synthesizers for Linux. I hope you've enjoyed the presentations, and
| I especially hope you've been inspired to check out the synths for yourself.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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