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[News] Jeremy Allison Says Ubuntu GNU/Linux Captures Many Users

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"Ubuntu has the strongest chance to take Linux mainstream"

,----[ Quote ]
| Jeremy Allison's contributions to the free software world are legion, and yet 
| the project he's best known for continues to be Samba, the open 
| implementation of some of Microsoft's most important networking protocols.  


Ubuntu vs XP

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu is small and fast and it’s getting easier all the time. With all the 
| resources on the Internet, if you have a question about how to do something, 
| google it and the answer is probably there. Linux used to only be used by the 
| Super Geek. Unix as a whole is still pretty geeky, but with the graphics 
| interface they are trying to change that. Ubuntu is being used on a lot of 
| the small Netbooks that are mainly used for going online to check email and 
| surf the internet and it’s becoming more popular around the world.      



Vista at the tipping point

,----[ Quote ]
| Where are the new features?
| Why is Vista such a catastrophe and how does this affect the Open
| Source/Free Software community? Part of the problem, I think, is that
| Vista essentially does nothing new, and has no new features that are
| of interest to the general computer using public. The veteran IT
| journalist Nicholas Petreley (now editor of Linux Journal) created
| his first law of computer journalism, which is "No technology
| exists until Microsoft invents it". This held true while Microsoft
| systems were so primitive that every new release was a vast
| improvement on the previous one. The public "oohed" and "ahhed"
| over such exciting new features as multi-tasking, and overlapping
| windows; even as people in the industry tried to point out that
| every new feature was merely copied from other, more sophisticated
| systems. The problem for Microsoft is that most of this copying has
| already been done. Windows XP actually has most of the features of
| Linux and the Mac, though I'd complain they're implemented poorly
| in Windows. Even if Vista has improved on the implementation, what
| kind of a marketing message is "we now do things properly"?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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