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Re: [News] [Leak] Microsoft's Secret Meetings with Gartner Group ("Will Not Bash MS")

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> From: Jamin Spilzer
> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:30 PM
> To: Brad Goldberg
> CC: Martha Sherman; Lisa Worthington; Laura Dodd (Waggener Edstrom)
> Subject: Steveb recap Draft
> [?]
> David Smith commented that Gartner will not bash MS if MS chooses to slip
> Vista. Steve gave the analysts an explanation of how MS will Measure Vista
> success. First is market measures such as absolute units (should be
> bigger), percentage of Install base (small percentage, regardless of
> ?success?). Second Steve keyed three audiences he wasts to see adopt
> Vista: developers, enterprises and consumer word of mouth (a ?je ne sais
> qua?) that reaffirms Windows at the center of computing?.
> http://boycottnovell.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/1120mails.pdf
> This is all part of unsealed evidence from the Intel-Microsoft criminal
> case, which is ongoing. Ballmer will soon be deposed for this collusion.

This is absolutely amazing!!! Those fscking lying bar stewards at
Gatner are all turds sucking dogs bollocks and spitting out crap liquid
lavation fluids. And yet management, government departments and reporters
in magazines will choose to buy, read and implement
recommendations based on Gatner reports?

The mind boggles!!!!

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