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Re: [News] Microsoft Goes Litigious on Software Patents

High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> SCO vs. Linux – mixed reactions to Novell Unix copyright
>> verdict
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> From hackers to financial analysts, the question of what
>>> happens next is occupying the minds of many in the IT
>>> industry – not all of them as well-informed as Pamela Jones,
>>> the good fairy behind Groklaw, a website which follows such
>>> cases. She has told Infoworld that Microsoft will be the
>>>                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>> next SCO Group; the company has been loudly rattling its
>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>> patent sabres, claiming earlier this year that Linux
>>> violated mote than 235 Microsoft patents. Whether Microsoft
>>> goes beyond mere sabre rattling and whether SCO manages 
>>> anything more than a last gasp is also a question of how you
>>> evaluate the course of court proceedings so far.
>> `----
>> http://www.heise-online.co.uk/features/SCO-vs-Linux-mixed-reactions-to-Novell-Unix-copyright-verdict--/110819
> I thought these statements to be of interest:
> [quote]
> The German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes that the 
> judgement represents a victory for Linux in the copyright 
> dispute, "The judgement removes the sword of Damocles hanging 
> over the Linux community." It opines that the software industry 
> can now breath a sigh of relief and offer Linux without let or 
> hindrance. Businesses and government agencies in turn need no 
> longer fear prosecution if they use Linux. The American Forbes 
> goes one step further and predicts a Linux boom.
> [/quote]
> We already see Linux being deployed on low cost netbooks, they 
> are a value added item, not to mention also of all sorts of 
> portable devices.  Through these, people are learning about Linux 
> and its capabilities.
> Linux is already a free download, which allows people to evaluate 
> freely without restrictions or fear of violating copyrights.
> I look with excitement to the ARM RISC based netbooks, with are 
> currently Microsoft incompatible but Linux ready.
> Mei Linux bloeit!

I might put it like this... Microsft are ARM-netbook incompatible, but
if they want to write a port, they are welcome to try...

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