Sinister Midget wrote:
> chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> One thing that comes to mind is the "Monster cable" scam. This is an
>> organized scam that takes consumers for $millions each year. People
>> go to stores and have salesmen LIE to their face about the "night and
>> day" benefits of using expensive cables for one's audio and video.
>The question comes up: Do they lie, or are they ignorant.
>I'd bet it's some of the former, and a lot of the latter. Most people
>haven't the foggiest notion of what's required for electricity
>(including audio) to move along a wire, nor what characteristics of the
>wire affect that movement.
So they should be allowed to lie to consumer, because they are
ignorant? I know that's not what you're saying, but they are selling
snake oil, pure and simple. Claiming ignorance is no excuse.
>> Should these asshole bes sued? Arrested? Taken-out and shot?
>> Maybe all three, but I don't see anyone doing anything about it...
>Maybe reeducation camps?
>Education is definitely the best answer. But it has to be aimed at the
I'd like to aim it at the store manager. "Do you know that your
salespeople are lying to your customers, so that your store can rip
them off?"
It would do no help, of course. They are making a lot of money on
these cables. They are far more profitable than the electronics that
the cable plugs in to! Nothing short of a court-order would stop