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[News] Creative Commons and Copyleft Gradually Defeat Copyrights

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Creative Commons Asks How You Define "Non-Commercial"

,----[ Quote ]
| Joi Ito and the Creative Commons need help getting the word out -- and 
| defined. Creative Commons licenses allow (to varying degrees) the content 
| they apply to to be freely used, distributed, and altered, with varying 
| levels of attribution or certain restrictions on commercial use. One of the 
| gray areas Creative Commons has been grappling with is how exactly one 
| defines "non-commercial."     


Award-winning Open Source Doc Looks at Digital Copyright

,----[ Quote ]
| Digital technology opens up an unprecedented global economy of ideas. RiP 
| explores the robber barons and revolutionaries squaring off across this new 
| frontier as the film journeys from the control rooms of Washington to the 
| favelas of Brazil.   
| Along the way, Gaylor interviews key figures about the complexities of 
| intellectual property in the digital era, among them Creative Commons founder 
| Lawrence Lessig, culture critic Cory Doctorow, Brazilian musician and former 
| Minister of Cultural Affairs Gilberto Gil, and Jammie Thomas, the single mom 
| successfully sued by the Recording Industry Association of America for 
| illegal downloading.     


Introduction to Copyleft Movement

,----[ Quote ]
| When a car breaks down on a high way, the driver opens the bonnet and checks 
| if he can fix the problem. Often, experienced drivers do so. If he does not 
| know, he will take the car to the garage or call a mechanic if he cannot tow 
| it to the garage. The mechanic in the garage fixes the problem, and the car 
| is back on the road. This is what happens with every other technology. Does 
| this happen with software?     
| [...]
| I did not spend time explaining giving technical or economic reasons for 
| using FS. This is not because FS is not a superior technology. FS is already 
| a success story. From small industries to big one, everyone is using it. The 
| list of success stories is very big. You will possibly hear about them from 
| other sources. Most people who use FS often talk only about the technical 
| features, and much often about the economical aspect of it. Since there is 
| little awareness about the social, ethical and political reasons mentioned 
| above, I chose to talk about them instead of the technical and economical 
| arguments.        


The copyrights cartel relies on brainwash. There are better (and very fair)
alternatives to copyrights that enable more creation, collaboration and
opportunity. Copyrights make monopolies. The same goes for patents.


British Government Violates Copyright

,----[ Quote ]
| As much as I utterly despise the entire premise of Intellectual Monopoly,
| this is about violating the principles of a Free License, and if it's good
| enough for the British government to violate our civil rights in the name of
| Intellectual Monopoly, then it's good enough for the Free World to protect
| its "property" (in fact Freedom) too…


US presidential candidate is a pirate

,----[ Quote ]
| THE PRESUMED Republican US presidential candidate John McCain favours
| draconian copyright enforcement, except when his own election campaign uses
| other people's music.

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