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[News] Yahoo/Microsoft Bid Appears to Fail, Microsoft Takes Plunge

  • Subject: [News] Yahoo/Microsoft Bid Appears to Fail, Microsoft Takes Plunge
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 00:29:53 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft's Offer To Yahoo Falling

,----[ Quote ]
| In all of the Microsoft-Yahoo talk so far, no official deadlines have been 
| given.  There may be an implicit hurry-up factor, however, as it seems that  
| Microsoft's sinking stock price could force it to adjust the deal. 
| The offer of $44.6 billion was made back when Microsoft was worth around 
| $33.60 per share.  But since it was actually a half-cash, half-stock offer, 
| and Microsoft is now at $29.07 per share, the grand total is now closer to 
| $41 billion.   
| Yahoo's leaders and stockholders may not like the idea of over $3 billion 
| vanishing in a week's time. 


Value of Microsoft's bid for Yahoo falls


Yahoo Wants An Upgrade Of Microsoft Money


Yahoo Could Give European Search To Google

,----[ Quote ]
| Yahoo is rumored to be ready to make a deal with Google in Europe. By 
| outsourcing search ads on the Continent to Google, Yahoo could boost its 
| returns on that revenue stream.  


Money Comes Back To Google

,----[ Quote ]
| The downward trend for Google's stock took a day off as traders pushed the 
| price back above $500. 


"Fucking Eric Schmidt is a fucking pussy. I’m going to fucking bury that guy, I
have done it before, and I will do it again. I’m going to fucking kill
                                        --Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO

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