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Re: [News] A Look at the State of Linux Office Suites (OpenOffice.org 3.0), Games

____/ The Ghost In The Machine on Wednesday 06 February 2008 15:47 : \____

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 14:15:51 +0000
> <48104887.6dlbV2vdyM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Will OpenOffice.org 3.0 be better?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Following on from my piece on whether OpenOffice.org can
>> | do the job I have remembered that OpenOffice.org 3.0 is
>> | due for release in September. So?with my comments on 2.3
>> | in mind?let?s see whether the new version will address my
>> | needs.
>> `----
> Personally, I'm intrigued by the "publish directly to Web" feature but
> does it allow for the following?
> [1] Reading and preservation of .CSS and inline style sheets.
> [2] Editing of same.
> [3] Custom tags.  Granted, I'm not sure these are all that useful,
> but for e.g. JSP content one could see a limited development
> environment (unless OO swallows the servlet API and tries to do
> something interesting in the J2EE space -- a little outside of
> its raison d'etre).
> [4] WML.
> [5] Verification of HTML a la Tidy, plus some issues that might
> only show up in certain webbrowsers.

When I did some presentations with OOo2, the generated HTML was pretty nice. I
didn't look at the code too carefully though. It was also frameset-based.
There was a nice export-to-Flash option. I typically do presentations with Tex
(easier when you needn't collaborate on the content with PowerPoint zombies)
and latex2html can do pretty nice markup you can write some scripts on.

>> Software: Linux Game: Nexuiz
>> ,----[ Quot ]
>> | First, I am not a gamer for any platform (Windows, Linux, Playstation,
>> | Wii, Xbox, etc). That wasn't always the case.
>> `----
>> http://www.maysville-linux-users-group.org/article-110-thread-0-0.html
>> The closed-source games for Linux are even better (on par with other
>> platforms).
> Well, as far as I can tell Linux is a highly reliable gaming platform.
> The main issue is that Linux cannot and probably will not support
> DirectX9 or DirectX10 (though Wine might bridge that gap; I can't say),
> so a good game engine will have to support both DirectX9 and OpenGL.

OpenGL is enough. DX is just a case of, as Microsoft puts it, "we need to
control the standards." Even Web standards Microsoft felt it should control...

> (Of course most good game engines abstract the problem anyway.)
> [rest snipped for brevity]

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Those who can, Open-Source
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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