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Re: [News] [Rival] Is Microsoft Secretly Low on Cash? (Reuters)

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:06:21 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>____/ Jerry McBride on Tuesday 05 February 2008 17:46 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Microsoft says to borrow money for Yahoo deal
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Microsoft Corp said on Monday it may borrow money for the first time in
>>> | its history to fund a portion of its $44.6 billion unsolicited offer for
>>> | Yahoo Inc.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNews/idUSN0455692920080205
>>> Microsoft says it itself. Trolls cannot deny this.
>> I really, really, really ope the deal goes through. It would be of Titantic
>> proportions... hehehe
>They just hope to sink Google before it grows bigger than Microsoft. It's all
>or nothing at all. Microsoft pawns the house.

Exactly..Microsoft has never been able to get control of the internet
like Google has. Google would like to port all of the application
processing to their servers and are even talking "thin clients" in
which case even the OS would be running from Google.

If Google can succeed with their ported processing scenario, then it
is likely the Microsoft with all their bloated, expensive software
will be in a world of hurt.  This is getting interesting..for sure.

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