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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Builds Intellectual Monopolies and Fences Around OOXML

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Builds Intellectual Monopolies and Fences Around OOXML
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 23:37:58 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The list of Microsoft's US software patents covering OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| US20060271574A1 Exposing embedded data in a computer-generated document
| US20060259854A1 Structuring an electronic document for efficient 
| identification and use of document parts 
| US20060206794A1 Method and apparatus for maintaining relationships between 
| parts in a package 
| US20060190815A1 Structuring data for word processing documents
| US20060149785A1 Method and Apparatus for Maintaining Relationships Between 
| Parts in a Package 
| [...]



Torvalds: Microsoft is bluffing on patents

,----[ Quote ] 
| "...They have been sued for patents by other people, but I don't think 
| they've -- not that I've gone through any huge amount of law cases -- but I 
| don't think they've generally used patents as a weapon," Torvalds said. "But 
| they're perfectly happy to use anything at all as fear, uncertainty and doubt 
| in the marketplace, and patents is just one thing where they say, 'Hey, isn't 
| this convenient? We can use this as a PR force.'"     
| [...]
| Microsoft's recent work around improving its platform's interoperability with 
| Linux left Torvalds largely unmoved. 
| "I think there are people inside Microsoft who really want to improve 
| interoperability and I also think there are people inside Microsoft who would 
| much rather just try to stab their competition in the back," he said. "I 
| think the latter class of people have usually been the one[s] who won out in 
| the end, but -- so I wouldn't exactly trust them."     


Microsoft patents by Brian Jones

,----[ Quote ]
| For fun we just did a quick search of published US patent applications 
| with "Brian Jones" as an author, and "Microsoft" as the assignee. 
| [...]
| Some of these, like the packing ones, seem to apply directly to OOXML. What 
| isn't clear to us is why Microsoft would pursue patent protection for patents 
| rights that their are promising that they won't assert over users of OOXML.  


Digging in the Comments: Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| Patent licensing is probably the most important aspect for all third parties 
| that want to implement or use the Open XML specification. Unfortunately the 
| Ballot Resolution Meeting cannot discuss these aspects because only technical 
| and editorial issues would get resolved.   
| [...]
| When you have a patent which covers Open XML and you refuse to license it, 
| the standard process gets stalled. Large companies in the standardization 
| process are reluctant to use that nuke option. Given the ambush that the 
| software patent practice means today it is quite possible that Open XML 
| infringes a patent and all parties eventually have an obligation to license 
| it.     


Patent threat looms large over OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| "If OOXML goes through as an ISO standard, the IT industry, government and 
| business will encumbered with a 6000-page specification peppered with 
| potential patent liabilities" said NZOSS President Don Christie.  
| "Patent threats have already been used to spread doubt amongst organisations 
| keen to take advantage of the benefits of open source. No one knows whether 
| such claims have any merit, but it is calculated to deter the development and 
| use of open and alternative toolsets."   


Cyberlaw OOXML Seminar 14 December

,----[ Quote ]
| However, this raises the issue - what assurance does a developer have that 
| such a large specification is not the subject of third party patent claims?  
|       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| The pedigree of the specification is certainly no reason for hope, Microsoft 
| has been the target of third party patent claims for some time now including 
| some high profile losses in patent suits. The fact that the specification has 
| been developed behind closed doors and on a fast track means that there has 
| been no adequate opportunity to evaluate the likelihood of third party patent 
| claims against the specifications. The sheer size of the document suggests 
| there will be at least a couple hiding in there somewhere.       


ISO warned about possible patent violations of DIS29500 (aka OOXML)

,----[ Quote ]
| I have just send the following email to ISO members (you can find some of 
| their email addresses on the INCTIS website) to warn them about the possible  
| patent ambush... 


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