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Re: [News] Goodwill, Justice, Idealism Drive Free Software and Linux

On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 16:12:05 +0100, Hadron wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Idealism and FOSS, buddies to the end
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| I think humans are inherently hopeful. So many of us focus on ideals. We are 
>>| always concerned about things being "fair" and the way things "should" be. 
>>| That is the underpinnings of idealism.  
>>| [...]
>>| Cooperation, sharing, allowing free access, etc these are all ideals. Things 
>>| that we as humans feel are the ways things "should be". These are what Linux 
>>| and Open Source are all about. Not only the technical work it produces, but 
>>| the spirit of Community it allows as well.   
>> `----
>> http://linuxgeeksunited.blogspot.com/2008/01/idealism-and-foss-buddies-to-end.html
> "should be".
> But in the real world the GREAT MAJORITY of OSS contributors are
> gainfully employed by CLOSED SOURCE SW houses. If they weren't closed
> source then their competitors would steal their code and ideas and force
> them into bancruptcy. Think Peter Koehlmann, Linonut, Omer etc. You get
> the picture.
> Think of it like there being something 700 different Linux distros, but
> only one or two really work properly and are properly looked after. The
> ones making income of course.

Add to that the fact that Ubuntu, or any of the Linux distributions for
that matter, wasn't going anyplace until a benefactor with MONEY and
INFLUENCE (both are the same BTW), Shuttleworth, got involved.

The Linux community, just does not get it and I doubt they ever will.
Professional students like Schestowitz who have not worked a day in their
lives outside of academia have no clue what the real world functions like.

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