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[News] [Rival] Windows Server 2008 Already Showing Signs of More Problems

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Windows Server 2008 Already Showing Signs of More Problems
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:48:18 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hyper-V in Server 2008 RTM doesn't like non-US locales

,----[ Quote ]
| Annoying. Yes, it is mentioned in the release notes - but what if Hyper-V 
| beta had required you to set a non-US locale at install time? Do you think 
| Microsoft would have flagged this problem more prominently?  


It'll be the 'Vista of servers'. And it's not a compliment.


Microsoft web developers branded pants

,----[ Quote ]
| The strokers of beards and Volish nay-sayers have been claiming that reason 
| is Windows Server 2008. They claim this on the very safe assumption that 
| since Microsoft installed it, vole.com has been running like a condemned man 
| with his legs cut off on his way to his own execution.   


This eWeek [on Servers]

,----[ Quote ]
| I asked Jason about Windows Server's newfound security: "The first time
| I heard about this new feature," he said, "I thought it was clearly a
| response to Linux.
| Windows Server 2008 isn't quite there yet, according to Jason's tests.


What will run on Windows Server 2008 — and when

,----[ Quote ]
| Are we in for a Windows-Vista-like experience, where even some of Microsoft’s 
| own applications didn’t work with its new operating system for weeks, if not 
| months?  
| [...]
| A number of Microsoft server apps that won’t support Windows Server 2008 
| until the latter half of 2008, when service packs providing Server 2008 
| compatibility are released.  


Windows server URL sends you to Apple

,----[ Quuote ]
| TYPE IN windowsserver2008.com into your browser and after it thinks a bit, it 
| takes you straight to the Apple site. 


Microsoft cuts Windows virtualization features

,----[ Quote ]
| The company is changing three key features of the hypervisor
| technology to try to stick to its schedule of releasing the
| technology within 180 days of completing its Windows Server
| "Longhorn" operating system, due to be finalized before the
| end of the year.


MS Insider: The Office Crew Isn't Smart Enough to Supplant Real Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| "With Alchin retiring, MarkL and MarkZ, two of the most talented
| architects in MS already having left, the picture gets really
| ugly for the Windows division," my friend claimed, and the BV's
| core team members, Ian McDonald, Jack Mayo, Todd Wanke, Clyde
| Rodriguez and others are starting to connect the dots.
| [...]
| He concluded ominously. "A trainwreck of biblical proportions looms.
| Pick a good seat on the sidelines, trainwrecks this large take
| awhile to complete. Vista may be the last MS OS for some time to
| come, especially if Cutler decides to play hardball."


Will Windows Home Server be Microsoft’s next flop?

,----[ Quote ]
| If you buy-off on the theory that the world seems to be heading in the 
| opposite direction that Microsoft wants to lead it, then you can’t help but 
| wonder what the long term prospects for an offering like Windows Home Server 
| are. Not good, if you ask me.   


Windows Home Server fan club beats me up for asking if WHS is Microsoft’s next

,----[ Quote ]
| Literally within minutes of each other (strangely coincidental), I received 
| two e-mails — one from a colleague and the other from someone who concealed 
| their identity — that basically told me I was out of line for questioning the 
| chances that Microsoft’s Windows Home Server will succeed.    


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