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Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] Microsoft's Scott Guthrie Lies About/Twists "Cross-platform" to Hijack Web

____/ Tom Shelton on Wednesday 27 February 2008 23:57 : \____

> On 2008-02-27, The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Moshe Goldfarb
>>  wrote
>> on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:39:12 -0500
>>> On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:34:10 -0500, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:04:50 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> My original post was fine. The Microsoft Agent just wants to warp things
>>>>> to discredit. More explanation here, if the Agent is interested.
>>>>> http://boycottnovell.com/2008/02/26/microsoft-redefines-cross-platform/
>>>> No, Roy.  You lied.  Silverlight is cross platform.  Microsoft has not
>>>> re-defined the meaning.
>>>> Cross platform does not mean "runs on all platforms", it means "runs on
>>>> more than one platform".  You are the one trying to redefine it.
>>>> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=cross-platform
>>>> "cross-platform software, hardware
>>>> A term that describes a language, software application or hardware device
>>>> that works on more than one system platform (e.g. Unix, Microsoft Windows,
>>>> Macintosh). E.g. Netscape Navigator, Java."
>>>> http://www.reference.com/search?r=13&q=Cross%20platform
>>>> "Cross-platform, or multi-platform, is a term which can refer to computer
>>>> programs, operating systems, computer languages, programming languages, or
>>>> other computer software and their implementations which can be made to
>>>> work on multiple computer platforms. For example, a cross-platform
>>>> application may run on Microsoft Windows on the x86 architecture, Linux on
>>>> the x86 architecture and Mac OS X on either the PowerPC based Apple
>>>> Macintosh or the x86 based Apple Macintosh systems. A cross-platform
>>>> application could run on all common platforms, *OR SIMPLY MORE THAN ONE*"
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-platform
>>>> " ´Cross-platform¡ and ´multi-platform¡ both refer to the idea that a
>>>> given piece of computer software is able to be run on more than one
>>>> computer platform."
>>>> So please, Roy, spare us the "redefinition" bullshit.  By all credible
>>>> sources (ie, not you) "cross platform" means "more than one", not "all" or
>>>> "if it doesn't run on Linux it's not cross platform".
>>> And once again Roy Schestowitz attempts to debate and ends up gong down in
>>> flames.
>>> No wonder he prefers to crap flood.
>> We have proven that Silverlight is multi-platform (for multi=2, anyway)
>> and that it is not open-source.  Half the battle, I guess.
> But, Moonlight will be - and MS is helping Novell with the
> implementation.  Then it will run on any platform mono runs on -
> including Linux...

Moonlight is not Silverlight (and will never be). No need for spin here. Not to
mention the horrid Monopendency...

                ~~ Best of wishes

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