* Mark Kent peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>>> "UNG, which stands for UNG's not GNU is set to be released late 2009"
>>>> http://www.royalidea.com/site/?q=node/12
> It will give the right impression in some quarters, though, if anyone
> is foolish enough to take it at face value.
RMS will add a "Microsoft" clause to GPLv4 <grin>
Meanwhile, Microsoft seems to be taking an RIAA-like strategy of
threatening to sue in order to control the path a commercial OSS.
Except that they would undoubtedly not sue anyone who could fight back
(look at Microsoft's winning record in the courts), and right now they
seem content to only throw gorilla dust.
The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.
-- Bill Gates