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Re: [News] Ubuntu 8.10 Codenamed "Intrepid Ibex"

Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hadron wrote:
>> Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>> Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>>>> ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>>>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>>>>>>> ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>>>>> Tattoo Vampire worte:
>>>>>>>>>> mark.kent.is.owned@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Guess someone really fucked your brains out. Now please buy a
>>>>>>>>>>> brain cell from 7. Ah, and so Tattoo Vampire is Don, eh?
>>>>>>>>>> That's my name, so why shouldn't he call me that?
>>>>>>>>> Ah, it's yet another sock puppet of the Kutloze Scheefgepoepte
>>>>>>>>> Clogwog. It has a lot of weired sexual fantasies and that's the
>>>>>>>>> only thing it has _fantasies_ and Microsoft Windows. Everything
>>>>>>>>> beyond, is above its level.
>>>>>>>>> So sad :`(
>>>>>>>> It's a while since I've had a stalker, I suppose I should feel
>>>>>>>> honoured.
>>>>>>> Flattering isn't it?
>>>>>>> Only utter scum abuses someone else's name to distract an entire NG.
>>>>>> You mean like you did in the Ubuntu group when you were screaming like
>>>>>> a little girl at that German Doctor who you thought was a nym? Like
>>>>>> you do when you report people to their ISP?
>>>>>> Hypocrite.
>>>>> Since when is (mistakenly or not) thinking that someone uses a nym the
>>>>> same as having ones name abused by someone else, "true linux advocate",
>>>>> "kernel hacker", "emacs user", "swapfile expert", "X specialist", "CUPS
>>>>> guru", "USB-disk server admin", "defragger professional", "newsreader
>>>>> magician", "hardware maven", "time coordinator", "email sage" and "OSS
>>>>> culling committee chairman" Hadron Quark, aka Hans Schneider, aka
>>>>> Richard, aka Damian O'Leary?
>>>> So having someone calling you (to your real name) a phony, a fake and a
>>>> liar is not abusing you and your name?
>>> No, it is not. It is calling me a "phony, a fake and a liar".
>> It is abusing you. And your name.
> Interesting that *you* know what "is abusing me. And my name"

"you" being the person being abused. Clearly. In this case the German Doctor.

> I'd say I know quite a bit better than anyone else what it is and what it is
> not. You, on the other hand, know nothing of that

You seem to be unravelling. Take your meds.

>>> And if that it done by cretins like you, flatfish or other filth it is
>>> water off a ducks back. Low life scum like you can't insult me
>> And if it was a real ducky like Marti, is that ok?
> I think *much* higher of him than of you. So if he started calling me
> a "phony, a fake and a liar", I'd have some thinking to do why he would do
> so.
> If you would, I would not care. You are way to stupid and dishonest to take
> you serious. 
>>> Someone posting with my name though, as flatfish has done repeatedly,
>>> *is* abusing my name
>> I didn't know that and would no condone that.
> He wasn't the only one, but he has done so most often. Why do you think *my*
> name appears in my own list of flatfish nyms?
> It is because he tried to discredit me with posting lunatic bile under my
> name. 
> Why do you think there are posters here which use PGP in their posts?
> All of

Who cares about the PGP?

> them have had similar experiences. Your fellow windows cretins are criminal
> scum

Fellow Windows cretins? Huh? I use Debian for nearly all my work
now. You still don't get what most of argue about here do you? It's not
about OSS or Linux - it's about the lies and false claims and the
fanboyz who think an uptime makes one l33t. A truly pathetic bunch of
despicable swine whose support of Linux does it no good whatsoever.

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