____/ Mark Kent on Friday 22 February 2008 13:57 : \____
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Jerry McBride on Tuesday 19 February 2008 21:43 : \____
>>> Philip wrote:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> BitTorrent busts Comcast BitTorrent busting
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>> | But don't let Comcast fool you. The BitTorrent community should do
>>>>> | everything it can to bust Comcast's BitTorrent busting. And so should
>>>>> | the FCC.
>>>>> `----
>>>> I for one have witnessed comcast blocking my uploads
>>> I see it in the downloads also... I can't wait for FIOS...
>> Slashdot has a new article/question about Comcast faking in attempts to
>> assess speeds. This might be a cover-up job.
> I'm sure they've been trying to cook-up some story on this one.
They were caught lying about it at one stage. It's more harmful that saying the
truth they are embarrassed of.
>> Honesty in telecoms is very low. It's a joint monopoly that is abused to
>> serve all sorts of agendas (mainly censorship, but it expands).
~~ Best of wishes
Steve Ballmer is even monkier than his moniker suggests
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