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Re: [News] How de Icaza-ization Ruins Some Linuxes

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 22 February 2008 14:32 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Simple mental exercise: Identify the OS!
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> mono\gac\System.Web\\System.Web.dll
>> mono\gac\System.Xml\\System.Xml.dll
>> mono\gac\System\\System.dll
>>| Hint: Replace the backslashes with slashes, then prefix each path
>>| with /usr/lib/.
>>| The correct answer is: no, it's not Microsoft Windows, it's Debian
>>| GNU/Linux "Lenny" (testing), with the minimum dependencies needed to run
>>| F-Spot! (Actually, I guess that all not the files are needed, but this is
>>| how they package them, and how the dependencies are set.)
>> `----
> Oh no, he's going to bring dll hell to linux...

Worse -- D Hell Hell. After all, Microsoft pitches up its so-called IP.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "I feed my 3 penguins with electricity and love"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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