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Re: Name for encumbered Linuxes?

Sinister Midget wrote:

> On 2008-01-09, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> ____/ Bob Tennent on Wednesday 09 January 2008 13:17 : \____
>>> How about Tainted Linux?
>> I tried this before, but people take offence in that. When words
>> like 'infected' or 'tainted' are used, I've faced comparisons to Nazi
>> propaganda from a pro-Novell zealot (others attacked him for suggesting
>> this).
> Who cares what a pro-Noveller thinks of the label? How many real
> backers (versus additional socks) does he really have? Billy, Blammer,
> a few freaks like DuFus and analus headupus, maybe a Timmy or two, and
> certainly an Ewik.
> If Novell and s/h/it's monions wanted to remain on good terms with
> linux users, they should've steered clear of selling their whorish
> bodies to M$.

Indeed... they would have loyal customers, willing to spend the money on
their products. Right about now, they're probably feelin pretty lonely,
especially after the layoffs...


Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)

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