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[News] America-style DMCA in the United Kingdom?

  • Subject: [News] America-style DMCA in the United Kingdom?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:37:32 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
CD copying OK, DRM circumvention not OK

,----[ Quote ]
| Circumventing DRM to make copies for personal use will remain illegal for 
| consumers, under copyright reform proposals floated by the UK government 
| today....Copyright law should also recognise that consumers can legitimately 
| make copies of copyright material they've already bought, the government 
| proposes.    
| Speaking at the launch today, Lord Triesman said it made no sense to prevent 
| someone making a playlist for use in the car from material they had 
| legitimately purchased.  


And there's this one from last week:

Vista DRM blocking legal video downloads

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista's increased anti-copying protection is already leading some 
| customers of movie services to find themselves locked out of content they 
| have legal rights to watch, users are reporting today.   




HD Monitor Causes DRM Issues with Netflix

,----[ Quote ]
| When I called them they confirmed my worst fears. In order to access the 
| Watch Now service, I had to give Microsoft's DRM sniffing program access to 
| all of the files on my hard drive. If the software found any non-Netflix 
| video files, it would revoke my rights to the content and invalidate the DRM.    


Plug a Windows XP Copy Protection Hole

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft reports "limited" attacks on Windows XP systems via an unexpected 
| path exploiting a security hole in a copy protection program that comes with 
| XP. (Windows Vista is not at risk.)  
| The program that attackers are leveraging is Macrovision's SafeDisc, 
| optical-disc copy prevention software for Windows applications and games. The 
| flaw is located in a system driver file called secdrv.sys. Microsoft 
| immediately issued a Security Advisory.   


Microsoft: We Like DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| Steve Jobs wants the music business to drop restrictions for digital
| tunes. But Microsoft, which began competing head to head with Apple
| in the digital music business last fall, is happy with the way things
| are, says media exec Robbie Bach.


Microsoft Tells Apple To Stop Complaining About DRM


Golden Rant : Microsoft DRM's gone too far

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft appears to have hit the wrong button on its critical
| Windows XP download service late last month, pretty well forcing
| every XP user to upgrade to Windows Media Player (WiMP) 11 if
| they (like me and many others) have the automatic download/install
| option enabled for critical updates.


The Longest Suicide Note in History

,----[ Quote ]
| Gutmann: The genie's out of the bottle before the operating system has even
| been released! But that doesn't mean Vista users in particular - and
| the computer community at large - won't end up paying for Microsoft's
| DRM folly. At the risk of repeating myself repeating myself, yet
| another reason to move to Linux.
`----     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Avoid the Vista badge, it means DRM inside 

,----[ Quote ]
| The root of this crappy DRM infection is Microsoft. It is the driving
| force here. This has nothing to do with protecting content, as we 
| keep pointing out, there has never been a single thing that has had
| a DRM infection applied that didn't end up cracked on the net in
| hours. DRM is about walled gardens and control.
| He who controls the DRM infection controls the market. DRM is
| about preventing you from doing anything with the devices
| without paying the gatekeeper a fee. This is what MS wants,
| nothing less than a slice of everything watched, listened to
| or discussed from now on. DRM prevents others from playing
| there, thanks to the DMCA and other anti-consumer laws.
| Make no mistake, MS is pushing the DRM malware as hard as
| it can so it can rake in money hand over fist with no
| competition. It is really good at lock-in, in fact, the firm
| based its entire business model on harming the user so they
| have to comply and spend more.


DRM in Windows Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista includes an array of "features" that you don't want.
| These features will make your computer less reliable and less secure.
| They'll make your computer less stable and run slower. They will
| cause technical support problems. They may even require you to
| upgrade some of your peripheral hardware and existing software.
| And these features won't do anything useful. In fact, they're
| working against you. They're digital rights management (DRM)
| features built into Vista at the behest of the entertainment
| industry.
| And you don't get to refuse them.


Macrovision update plugs zero-day DRM exploit

,----[ Quote
| The flaw, though Symantec wasn't specific on this, involves a privilege 
| elevation bug in Macrovision secdrv.sys driver that comes bundled with 
| Windows XP and 2003 (though not Windows Vista).  


DRM – a big win for Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently I came to conclusion that Microsoft is the company, which profits 
| most from the Digital Rights Management. 
| I don't know the numbers, but I guess that DRM is little or no success for 
| the recording industry. To say it stopped pirating films and music would be a  
| joke. 
| Microsoft people must have known that the protection would be broken very 
| soon. So why they are implementing it after all? 


Action alert: Don't let the EU sanction DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday, Viviane Reding, European Union commissioner for information 
| society and media, issued a report sanctioning a "transparent" DRM framework 
| for the EU. This irresponsible and senseless report comes just a day before 
| Sony BMG announced that they would join Warner Music Group, EMI, and 
| Vivendi's Universal Music Group in selling DRM-free music downloads in the 
| United States.     


EU seeks single market for online services

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Commission will make proposals by mid-2008 aimed at creating a 
| single European market in the burgeoning sector of online music, films, and 
| games, it said on Thursday.  


DRM Officially Dead: Last Major Label Sony BMG Plans to Finally Drop DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| It's over. The last major label to hold out on selling DRM-free MP3s, Sony 
| BMG, is "finalizing plans" to sell music not locked down with DRM. It'll be 
| available sometime in the first quarter, apparently in time to get in on 
| Amazon and Pepsi's 1 billion song giveaway, which now looks like it'll have 
| tracks from every major label. So, how'd we get here?    


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