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Re: [News] Britain Closer to Banning Tools Found in GNU/Linux Distros?

Mark Kent wrote:

> Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> "Mark Kent" <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:eea255-6c5.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>>>> HMG has done all kinds of wierd things in the past, like trying to
>>>>> ban Spycatcher, for example.
>>>> They were perfectly correct to try to do so.
>>> Nope.  It was silly, as the book was already in wide circulation.
>> And that was how he broke the Official secrets act.....he should NOT have
>> published it in the first place without authority...
> Nope.  This was a spat between the book reviewers and the author,
> nothing more.  The government tried to make out he was breaking the law,
> but in fact, this is not true.
>> And yes I have signed the Official secrets act several times AND been
>> positively vetted so I know what I'm talking about, unlike the vast
>> majority of people who see this as "nonsense"...
> I've also signed the Official Secrets act, and I've also been vetted.
> You are far from alone here.

So have I. Anyone in British Aerospace connected with military aircraft had
to sign it. Also had to reaffirm it when I visited the (now defunct) R.O.F
installations where Blue Streak was being built.

<Holly>: It takes time, this. One slight error in any of my thirteen billion
calculations and we'll be blasted to smithereens.  Here we go, then: 10, 9,
8, 6, 5--
<Rimmer> Holly, *where's* 7?
--Red Dwarf--

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