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Re: [News] LiMo Foundation Foundation Gains Another Linux Member

____/ Peter Köhlmann on Friday 04 January 2008 16:16 : \____

> Abdul Catrell wrote:
> < snip >
>>> from idiot troll>
>>> Give it up Scott, you are a luser.
>> Ignore everything that High Plains Rafael says. He's probably conducting
>> another one of his "6-month social experiments" where he nymshifts
> Speaking of nymshifts, how about stopping yours, "Dusty Hendrix"?
> You are so totally incompentent in nymshifting that even DumbFullShit would
> be ashamed to have a fellow Wintendo luser like you

X-Complaints-To:   abuse@xxxxxxxxxxxx

For your filters (or other purposes). The nymshifts won't help, feeding will.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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