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[News] [Rival] Korean Army Falls Victim to Windows Zombies Issue

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Korean Army Falls Victim to Windows Zombies Issue
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 08:46:17 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
South Korea a victim of cyber warfare

,----[ Quote ]
| SOLDIERS in South Korea have seen their PCs hacked by a foreign power.


But Korea is locked into the Microsoft monopoly, thanks to Microsoft's
predatory ActiveX (yesterday's Silverlight-type business crime).


Could Internet Banking be free from Window?

,----[ Quote ]
| Nonghyup has begun to provide internet banking service for Linux users since 
| 2006. It is possible by installing a separate middleware in the Linux PC in 
| order to access Nonghyup internet banking site. The logic is based on the 
| introduction of a program functioning Active X emulation into Linux OS.   


The cost of monoculture

,----[ Quote ]
| Korea will only get beyond this problem by 1) applying Korean laws
| on open standards to the certificate authorities, 2) reassigning new
| certificates which work with open web standards to all Koreans, 3)
| reprogramming all Korean websites to support 128 bit SSL which will
| allow for a heterogeneous marketplace of operating systems and web
| browsers. This is a herculean task and thus Korea stays hostage to
| Redmond.
| Fascinating history. Unintended consequences and de-facto monopolies
| create costs too high to calculate and must be borne without question. 


Is MS Overcharging Koreans for Vistas?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft?s Windows Vista program is selling in South Korea at
| prices up to 70 percent higher than in the United States or
| Japan, with Microsoft blaming Korea's immature market
| for the price difference.


Consumers in No Hurry for Vista Upgrade

,----[ Quote ]
| In a survey of 4,144 members of Danawa.com, a price comparison site,
| only 14 percent of respondents said that they will immediately upgrade
| to the Vista platform when Microsoft releases it on January 30.


Korean government warns against Vista upgrade 

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ministry of Information and Communication said that it wished it
| could tell a private company like Microsoft to postpone the release
| of Vista, but it can't. The best thing, an official said, was not to
| install Vista before you know what you're getting into.


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