High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> [H]omer wrote:
>> Matt wrote:
>>> Whoops, forgot the link:
>>> http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=46692
>> This is one of the best pieces of advocacy I've ever read on
>> COLA.
>> Well done, Matt.
>> It's a great shame that they went with one of the Monkey Club
>> distros though, but nonetheless it is still a massive
>> migration, apparently very successfully deployed and received,
>> and one of the most profound and encouraging testimonies of
>> GNU/Linux adoption I've seen so far.
>> Some of the more interesting details:
> <a lot of good stuff SNIP'd>
( a lot of other peoples stuff I might add - nothing new there for High
Plains Rafael)
>> .----
>>> And that's not all. These figures don't take into account
>>> software upgrades for applications. By using the free
>>> Openoffice.org suite and a Linux OS, Elcot has bypassed
>>> yearly licensing fees for proprietary software.
>>> A corollary benefit is that the government no longer needs
>>> to procure additional hardware required to run upgraded
>>> versions of most proprietary software. Umashankar estimates
>>> that just this saves the government between 45 and 50
>>> percent of a project's initial hardware costs, which makes
>>> it easier to buy more computers for schools.
>>> In addition, Umashankar says Elcot got rid of about 100
>>> anti-virus licenses that were rendered redundant, because as
>>> one official claims viruses have "became extinct."
>> `----
> I am seeing a flood happening, Vista has become Waldo, harder to
> find in the picture since he is only one. I thought the user
> support became strong an interesting observationwhen they found out
> the truth about Linux.
So where is this "flood" and don't refer to someone elses link above.
> I see the proprietary OS glass house of cards tumbling.
Aha. I thought so. Time for you to paste someone else's work in
AGAIN. Do try to have a thought of your own. Thinking is *so* important.
> [quote]
> As users caught on with Umashankar's infectious enthusiasm, they
> started getting more familiar with the features of their new OS.
> Soon a cycle of interest developed and users found new ways of
> switching mail clients to work on Suse Linux.
> "First they migrated from Outlook Express to Mozilla Thunderbird
> for Windows. From there they took the mail folder and put it into
> the Suse Linux system, and started operating Thunderbird over
> Suse Linux system. Novel, isn't it?" Umashankar asks proudly.
> This interest helped his campaign to migrate completely to Suse
> Linux, from a 100 percent Windows environment.
> [/quote]
> Just to think, Ernie Ball's boldness to resist has infectiously spread
> to other quadrants of the blogosphere. He is saving money, so is
> India, Indiana Schools, other school districts, Largo, Florida, and so
> on.
> I like Linux because it boots up quicker than Windows. I don't have
"I like jelly because it's pink". ROTFLM.
> to wait for all the scanning to be completed by Windows and by the
> virus checker before I can effectively start working. I have control
> of my PC.
Sure you do hackerboy. Sure you do.