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[News] [Rival] More Ship Jumping at Microsoft

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] More Ship Jumping at Microsoft
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:08:11 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Another Microsoft manager jumps from the Live Search ship

,----[ Quote ]
| Mike Nichols, Group Program Manager for Live Search, has resigned and is 
| moving to work for Yusuf Mehdi, Senior Vice President of Strategic 
| Partnerships.  
| [...]
| What to make of all the recent resignations and reshufflings among the 
| various Microsoft business units? Well, it is reorg season in Redmond. But on 
| the Live Search side of the house, it’s got to be tough to keep banging your 
| head against the wall and making little or no headway in growing your market 
| share….    


It's like a bigger version of Novell falling apart as only a couple of
divisions actually turn profit.


Veteran Windows architect resigns from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| On the heels of a week of news of a number of Microsoft executive departures 
| and reshufflings, another has come to light. Rob Short, Corporate Vice 
| President for Windows Core, has resigned from the company.  


Juniper Networks exec to succeed Microsoft Business Division President Raikes

,----[ Quote ]
| Another reason I consider the Raikes announcement timing odd: Why announce 
| Raikes’ departure a day after acknowledging the defection of your mergers and 
| acquisitions chief Bruce Jaffe? You could make the argument that Microsoft 
| wants to get all its defection/churn announcements out of the way at once. 
| But I’m not sure I’d look at things the same way, if I were one of the 
| company’s “image makers”….     
| Microsoft also announced on January 10 that Bob Muglia, the Senior Vice 
| President in charge of Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, is going to 
| move out of the Business Division and report directly to CEO Steve Ballmer.  


Microsoft loses top executive in China

,----[ Quote ]
| "Li Gong is currently exploring other career opportunities," Microsoft said 
| in a statement to News.com. 
| [...]
| In a September 2005 Business Week interview, Ballmer touted Gong as
| one of several key hires that Microsoft had made.
| Most recently, Gong has served as managing director of Windows LiveC
| hina and as Vice President of Microsoft China R&D Group.
| Gong's name came up in the case over Kai-Fu Lee, the top Microsoft
| executive whose hiring by Google sparked a multistate legal battle. 


Microsoft losing acquisition playmaker

,----[ Quote ]
| In a previous life Jaffe was the CFO for Microsoft's MSN division, and also 
| had roles overseeing acquisitions related to Microsoft's consumer business, 
| groups like MSNBC and Microsoft Games.  


Microsoft’s OEM chief defects to Lenovo

,----[ Quote ]
| While so many of us Microsoft watchers were preoccupied with the hasty 
| departure of former Microsfot CIO Stuart Scott, the resignation of the 
| company’s OEM chief slipped right by most of us.  



Will Microsoft Survive the Next 10 Years?

,----[ Quote ]
| I am not really an expert in this but when I read all the negative
| headlines and articles I ask myself if Microsoft really will survive
| the next 10 years.
| [...]
| I am pretty sure that the Open Source Community, the new Ubuntu,
| Google and of course Apple are those companies that are ready for
| our century and they will get more and more people that know what
| they really want.


Microsoft Windows hardware leader takes a ‘vacation’

,----[ Quote ]
| Veteran Softies are dropping like flies lately. The latest Microsoft exec to 
| leave is Jawad Khaki, Corporate Vice President of the Windows Hardware 
| Ecosystem.  


Danny Thorpe quits the Windows Live development team

,----[ Quote ]
| Danny Thorpe, one of the higher-profile hires Microsoft made to its Windows 
| Live team, has decided to leave for greener pastures. 


Microsoft’s open source chief takes on Windows server marketing

,----[ Quote ]
| The change comes amid a long-building storm that exploded in May, when the 
| company said that Linux violates 235 Microsoft patents. 


Microsoft says Zune executive will leave company

,----[ Quote ]
| Bryan Lee, corporate vice president at Microsoft's entertainment
| and devices division, also played a key role in shaping the Xbox
| game console business and the introduction of its Internet
| Protocol television software.


Yet another Microsoft search exec calls it quits

,----[ Quote ]
| In March, Blake Irving, the Corporate VP in charge of the Windows
| Live platform, announced his plans to leave Microsoft, effective
| this summer. Payne announced his resignation from Microsoft shortly
| after Irving made his announcement.


at least no chairs were thrown…

,----[ Quote ]
| A friend of mine was walked out of Microsoft today.
| I’m not talking about Stuart Scott, the now former Microsoft CIO who was 
| canned for “violating company policies.” No, another friend decided to leave 
| the MSN Live Search team and join Google Kirkland.   


Another Microsoft Search reorg: Shum now leads engineering

,----[ Quote ]
| That same month, Windows Live Platform VP Blake Irving resigned, as did Chris 
| Payne. the Corporate Vice President in charge of Windows Live Search. 


Former Microsoft Search Chief Bill Bliss On Early Search Missteps

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill's biggest regret? Not bypassing middle management that wasn't
| listening to him scream about the coming threat of Google and going
| right up to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. 


Microsoft Search Leader To Leave Company

,----[ Quote ]
| The Microsoft Corp. vice president who led the company's push into
| Internet search is leaving the software giant as the effort he
| helped launch loses ground against lead competitor Google Inc.


Microsoft Businesss Solutions Group's Burgum to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp.'s Business Solutions group senior vice president Doug
| Burgum will resign, effective June 30, and leave the company to pursue
| other opportunities, the company said on Tuesday.


Database head to leave daily duties at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Paul Flessner, who leads Microsoft's data storage and platform
| division, will step down from his daily duties after the new year.


XBLA's Ross Erickson leaves Microsoft, heads over to Sierra Online

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, this follows XBLA General Manager Greg Canessa's
| departure a couple weeks back. While having two of the most
| senior Xbox Live Arcade execs jump ship in a two week time 
| span after a particularly long string of subpar Wednesdays
| -- nothing, Ms. Pac-Man, Lumines add-on, nothing, Root Beer
| Tapper, Paperboy, nothing -- might seem to imply certain
| disaster, Ross insisted that he and Greg's decided to
| leave under entirely different circumstances.


XBLA main man jumps ship

,----[ Quote ]
| In somewhat surprising news, Greg Canessa, the big guy behind
| Xbox Live Arcade, has left the Microsoft compound for PopCap Games.


Microsoft Windows Live VP to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Blake Irving, a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft's Windows
| Live Platform group, is resigning his post, according to sources
| close to the company.


Evangelist Gartenberg back to being analyst

,----[ Quote ]
| After only three weeks at Microsoft as an "evangelist," Michael
| Gartenberg is returning to his old job as vice president and
| research director at JupiterResearch.


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