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Re: Windows Vista SP1 Renders Some More Hardware Obsolete

____/ [H]omer on Thursday 17 January 2008 11:40 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Oh, and don't forget faking some images to show bogus improvement...
> Oh I forgot about that one. It was the box cover of some flight sim
> game, or something, wasn't it?

Yes. F A K E R!

Microsoft, Flight Simulator developers use images to paint misleading picture

,----[ Quote ]
| We received this set of screenshots ages ago from Microsoft itself, which 
| used this game heavily to promote the beauty of DX10 and how necessary is to 
| switch from Windows XP to Vista. These two screenshots ended in quite a lot 
| of mainstream magazines, and were all over the place in specialist IT media.   
| [...]
| Nobody buys explanations about why Flight Simulator runs so slowly on 
| quad-core processors and most powerful graphics cards, as we concluded in our 
| review.  
| FSX is rendering practically everything, forget about any modern 3D feature 
| such as Occlussion Culling, Occlusion Querry and Z-buffer compression and 
| putting a bitmap cockpit on blanked alpha texture, while everything else is 
| being rendered.   
| This procedure just kills performance and we could not imagine any game past 
| DX7 utilizing such a concept. 
| We cannot avoid the thought that this plot might have been done deliberately, 
| in order to spark interest about the game itself and boost sales of a product 
| that usually has a limited customer base.  


I don't think laws against false advertising apply here and I doubt anyone
would sue over polygons.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     \ Spread Mozilla Firefox.
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