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Re: [News] Rumours: NVIDIA to Follow AMD's Open Source Footsteps!

* Moshe Goldfarb fired off this tart reply:

> On Sat, 12 Jan 2008 04:39:57 +0000, [H]omer wrote:
>> Another issue is that features, *real* features (as opposed to the media
>> driven "disablement" on Vista) are coming thick and fast on the Linux
>> desktop (Compiz et al) and nVidia really needs to jump on that bandwagon
>> or be left behind. They finally managed to fix their direct rendering
>> issues in their proprietary driver, but good God it was a long time
>> coming. Maybe they really don't want those kind of delays in the future,
>> especially with ATi having the open source "edge".
>> There's a real momentum among hardware manufacturers to adopt FOSS. No
>> doubt nVidia looked around at the likes of Asus and ATi, and decided
>> they better get a slice.
> This has to be the most idiotic post I have read in any group, and in a
> long time.

How so?

> I suggest spending a little time in some of the gamer groups, or over at
> Tom's Hardware so you can educate yourself because you obviously have let
> your love of Linux cloud whatever is left of your judgement.

Like this one?


   November brought us the new Radeon 3850 and 3870 cards in force, and
   showed us that ATI still has a few tricks up its sleeve.

   First off, yes, the Geforce 8800 GT is faster than the Radeon 3870.
   However, it's not that much faster, and the Radeon 3870 has a lower
   MSRP of $220. At this price, the 3870 offers an almost identical
   performance-per-dollar ratio as the Geforce 8800 GT.

   Unfortunately, demand seems to have driven up the price of the Radeon
   3870 very close to that of the 8800 GT. At $270, the 3870 is
   difficult to recommend compared to the similarly-priced 8800 GT. When
   supply is more abundant, hopefully we'll see 3870 prices drop back to
   the intended $220 level. 

   . . .

   Fortunately, the cheaper Radeon 3850 seems to be widely available at
   its original $180 MSRP. This is fantastic, as the Radeon 3850 offers
   similar performance to the Geforce 8800 GTS 320mb for a very low
   price. Since the new DirectX 10 cards were introduced, we've been
   waiting for a sub-$200 card that can run in the same league as the
   high end cards, and now we finally have it. The Radeon 3850 offers
   power no other sub-$200 card can touch.

The increasing percentage of Vista isn't growth -- it's molting.

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