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[News] Linux Mint 4.0 Even 'Better' Than Ubuntu, $0 Laptop Runs Many Distros

  • Subject: [News] Linux Mint 4.0 Even 'Better' Than Ubuntu, $0 Laptop Runs Many Distros
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:53:07 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux Mint 4.0 (Daryna) - The Best Beginner Distro

,----[ Quote ]
| If you are new to Linux, there isn’t a better distro than Linux Mint around. 
| If you are an experienced Linux user, you won’t be disappointed. The biggest 
| plus is that everything is set-up for you ready to go after the install. The 
| chances are you won’t have to install one driver or adjust one setting to use 
| it properly, and all of the apps and codecs that you need are pre-installed. 
| When you do run into some problems, the Linux Mint support community is ready 
| to help and surprisingly big for a relatively new distro such as this one. In 
| addition to the Linux Mint support forums, you have access to the largest 
| Linux support community - Ubuntu forums, thanks to the fact that Linux Mint 
| is based on Ubuntu. As you see, Linux is evolving quicker than other OS right 
| now and Linux Mint 4.0 is proof of it.          


$0 Laptop shakeup: Ubuntu 7.04 is gone, Wolvix Hunter 1.1.0 takes its place

,----[ Quote ]
| As I said, I'm considering rolling it back to Etch. I'm also considering an 
| installation of CentOS 5.0, which manages the CPU fan fine. Pros: CentOS, a 
| copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, will be supporting this distro for YEARS; 
| if it works now, it'll get security patches for a long, long time.   



Linux Mint 4.0

,----[ Quote ]
| I was very impressed with the last version of Linux Mint. There were very few 
| things I didn't like about it, and they mostly dealt with missing packages. I 
| was excited when I heard of the new version to see if any of my beefs had 
| been addressed. I'm also interested to see if Linux Mint can keep up the bar 
| they set with 3.2. Here we go.    


Living With Daryna for One Week

,----[ Quote ]
| "Why not give Daryna a chance, too?". This review has been written during an 
| entire week, starting the 26th and ending the 30th of November. I tested 
| Linux Mint 4.0 on a computer with the following specs:  
| • AMD K8 nForce 250Gb Motherboard
| • AMD Sempron 2800+ Processor
| • Nvdia GeForce FX5200 Video Card
| • 512 MB RAM
| • LG CD-RW/DVD-ROM Drive
| • 17" BENQ T720 Monitor


A look at the Ubuntu 7.10 based newly minted version of Linux for use as my
daily use system

,----[ Quote ]
| Mint 4.0, and its underlying Ubuntu 7.10 may be bleeding edge (2.6.22 kernel) 
| but so far it is stable, fast, pretty, and high function as well. The only 
| reason I can see why this would not be a good enterprise laptop / desktop OS 
| for everyone would be that pesky amount of time it takes to certify new OS 
| releases by the central support team.    


First look at Linux Mint 4.0 (by Susan Linton)

,----[ Quote ]
| At present they are producing a fantastic and original desktop with handy 
| tools and highly desired functionality. This is truly their best release yet. 
| It feels like they've reached the summit.  


Introducing Linux Mint 4.0 ‘Daryna’

,----[ Quote ]
| You’ve probably heard of Linux Mint from some blog or RSS feed but never 
| looked into it thinking it’s just another distribution which can never 
| outtake Ubuntu, the distribution you’re currently using. In this case, you’re 
| in for a big surprise mister! Linux Mint IS Ubuntu but it also provides some 
| extra goodies and a brilliant, gorgeous and sexy interface. So basically, you 
| should think about Linux Mint as Ubuntu with a twist. And not just any other 
| twist, a BIG twist, one that will make you erase any distribution you have 
| and install Linux Mint instead because it simply ROCKS!       


Linux Mint 4.0 Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| A few days ago, Linux Mint 4.0 (codename Daryna) has been released. Version 
| 4.0 of Linux Mint is based on Celena and compatible with Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy 
| Gibbon) and its repositories. This release features include mintDesktop, 
| mintAssistant, mintInstall, mintUpdate and so on. The following are some 
| screenshots of Linux Mint 4.0.    


A Date with Daryna

,----[ Quote ]
| I can honestly say that Daryna is yet another successful distribution release 
| of Mint. It is highly recommended for those who want a hassle-free Linux 
| distribution because of its exceptional hardware and software support, 
| ease-of-use, and ever growing online community that can provide some 
| technical assistance. I can also recommend Mint 4.0 to newbies as it can be 
| painlessly configured without even touching a CLI. As a final point, Daryna 
| undoubtedly maintained or even improved Mint’s natural elegance.      


ReviewLinux.com: Linux Mint 4.0 - An Elegant Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint 4.0 Beta was released yesterday October 26 2007 and I thought I 
| would have a quick look at it. Linux Mint is not packed full of software but 
| it does have a great look and well worth looking at. Check out the images as 
| well as the Flash Video of Linux Mint 4.0 Beta in action.     


Linux Mint 4.0 "Daryna" - English

,----[ Quote ]
| Clement Lefebvre is a very important Linux distribution developer and his 
| enthusiasm showed in his job, resulting in the wonderful Linux distro called 
| Linux Mint that been rised to 4.0 version in last week.  
| I have been download that distro version and i'm going to write a short 
| review on them. 


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