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[News] [Rival] Shops Find Success in Vista... Removal

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Shops Find Success in Vista... Removal
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 14:01:56 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
A computer shop's sales pitch: 'We remove Vista'

,----[ Quote ]
| "A lot of people didn't like using Vista, and a lot of the manufacturers 
| forced people to go up to Vista," he said. 
| What was the demand for the service? "We had a lot of people coming in and 
| asking about it," Kaplan said. "Of all the signs we put up there the last two 
| years, at least, we probably got the most response out of that one. A lot of 
| people coming in."   


Hilarious. Vista makes a lot of business.... which involves REMOVING IT!

It must be the polish... (also from the news)

If your System Tray Notification Area Icons are missing or have disappeared in
Windows Vista


Oops. Many bugs.

Watch this picture here: (new)

Mac OS X Beginners' Tips



Windows Vista: Sold but not deployed

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft says it remains happy with enterprise sales of Vista -- however, 
| the software behemoth acknowledges that many businesses which have bought 
| Vista licences are yet to deploy the software.  


Will Windows Vista Succeed In 2008? Don't Count On It

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista has certainly been slow out of the gate. Sure, Microsoft is putting the 
| operating system on newly shipped systems, but Vista sales didn’t benefit 
| from the upgrade surge that previous OSes got upon release. A year after it 
| began shipping, less than one percent of corporate desktops are running 
|                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Vista.    
| ^^^^^


Windows Vista kicked out of Olympics PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's latest version of Windows is too risky to implement for the 
| important computers managing the 2008 Olympic summer games in Beijing, said 
| the event's computer supplier and sponsor Lenovo.  


Acer: PC industry 'disappointed' with Vista

,----[ Quote
| Acer president Gianfranco Lanci became the first major PC manufacturer to 
| openly attack Microsoft over the Windows Vista operating system in the 
| Financial Times Deutschland on Monday.  
| Lanci said the operating system was riddled with problems and gave users and 
| businesses no reason to buy a new PC, according to the report. Taiwan-based 
| Acer is the world's fourth-largest PC manufacturer, after HP, Dell and 
| Lenovo. 
| "The whole industry is disappointed with Windows Vista," Lanci said. 


Interesting comment from CompUSA

,----[ Quote ]
| Every single one of them he said was returned from consumers... and that they 
| (CompUSA) couldn't ship them back. As he heard, Microsoft wasn't giving 
| credit back for unsold or returned copies... and didn't want the returned 
| figures made public... He wouldn't say that every single one of them 
| exchanged for a copy of Xp, he didn't know if that was true. So, I asked how 
| many boxes did they have. Same glare, followed with a "You do not want to 
| know" type statement.      


Nortel considers Linux desktops for its staff

,----[ Quote ]
| Nortel CIO Steve Bandrowczak, who joined the Canadian telecoms and network 
| equipment vendor last July, said "more and more CIOs are looking at Linux 
| desktop for reasons of TCO" and argued that the technology "is receiving the 
| same level of attention today as when Linux started on servers."    


FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office For Google And Linux Combo 

,----[ Quote ]
| Bowen said he's in talks with the aviation safety agency's main
| hardware supplier, Dell Computer, to determine if it could
| deliver Linux-based computers capable of accessing Google
| Apps through a non-Microsoft browser once the FAA's XP-based
| computers pass their shelf life.


Adios Microsoft!

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu imported most of my pictures, music, and documents from Windows.
| There were some oddly named folders it missed. This was not problem as
| I was able to easily retrieve them when the setup was complete. I
| haven't reinstalled everything I normally use but all the major
| applications "just worked" after upgrading. I know this sounds
| like an advertisement for Ubuntu, I guess it is. I'll continue
| using it and report back on my progress.


Windows Vista, The best thing that ever happened to Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| Millions of these units have been ordered by Countries such as
| Nigeria and Libya and pretty soon there will be millions of
| children around the world with Linux as their first operating
| system.
| In stark contrast Microsoft have just released Windows Vista,
| probably the most resource hungry Operating System ever, for 
| the PC platform.


Linux gains despite and because of Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Despite the heightened competition over the last two quarters from 
| Microsoft-Novell and a move by Oracle to undercut Red Hat on the cost of Red 
| Hat Linux support service, Red Hat has reported double-digit growth in 
| revenue and an increase in profit.   
| “The success of Red Hat has been able to validate the future potential for 
| open source software,” Szulik says. 
| Emerging countries are also lucrative markets for Linux, says IDC’s Gillen, 
| because there isn’t as much of the legacy Windows technology to have to 
| displace.   


Open source and Linux looking better every day

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista Home Basic - How do you figure out all these different
| versions available? Thankfully a desktop shortcut to download
| an upgrade - the upgrade treadmill head start program?
| [...]
| Added openSUSE - dual boot, so I can use both. 


Linux Says Bye-bye Windows XP!

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been one of those months! My computer crashed taking with it crucial
| XP system files. This is the 3rd crash in the last year and I've finally
| had enough with the Windows operating system!


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