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Re: [News] Customised 404 Pages Isanely Patented by Jeff Bozo; FFII Speaks Out

* amicus_curious peremptorily fired off this memo:

> "Linonut" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:%24oj.62980$vt2.20167@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>* [H]omer peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> Amazon Patents Customized 404 Pages
>>> Damn.
>>> I guess I'll have to purge these then:
>>> http://slated.org/400.shtml
>>> http://slated.org/401.shtml
>>> http://slated.org/403.shtml
>>> http://slated.org/404.shtml
>>> http://slated.org/500.php
>> And this one:
>>   http://www.microsoft.com/poopoo
>> Apparently a lot of people value mushy fruit!
> Homer and Microsoft are both safe from lawsuits in terms of violation of 
> that particular patent, I would judge.  The patent covers presentation of an 
> response page that would vary based on the target URL that caused the error, 
> not on the error itself.

Uh, Beavis, already been done:


   Custom Error Pages with PHP and Apache
   by David Sklar, coauthor of PHP Cookbook

   Using PHP and Apache, you can turn your "Page Not Found" messages
   into more than bland error reports. You can serve an alternate page
   based on the name of the page that was not found, create a page on
   the fly from a database, or send an email about the missing page to a

   Building a custom error page with PHP and Apache requires two steps.
   You need to tell Apache to run a PHP program when it encounters a 404
   ("Page Not Found") error. And you need to write the corresponding
   program that takes the appropriate action.

> Presumably that could result in a lowered sense of 
> frustration for a user and help direct him back onto a useful course.  For 
> example, the URLs here are occasionally truncated and only a partial line is 
> accessed.  If a site would make a stab at partially matching available pages 
> to the failed fragment, the user might get some useful feedback from the 
> error condition rather than having to start over again.

They'll have to tread carefully around IBM <grin>


   Make your 404 pages smarter with metaphone matching

   Don't let typos and bad referrers get between your visitors and your
   Web site's content

Benefits should be conferred gradually; and in that way they will taste better.
    -- Niccolo Machiavelli

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