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[News] [SOT] More Bands Become RIAA-independent, Adopt Free Software Model

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] More Bands Become RIAA-independent, Adopt Free Software Model
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 12:35:40 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The Charlatans Pull a Radiohead

,----[ Quote ]
| Greg Sandoval over at WebWare made an interesting find, today: the UK band 
| known as the Charlatans are joining Saul Williams and Radiohead with their 
| next album release with a ‘name your own price’ mechanism for distribution.   


Another new project creating RIAA-free music:



Copyright Extensions and ISP Filtering: Breaking EU Culture, One Amendment at a

,----[ Quote ]
| As you may recall, the European Parliament's forthcoming report on the 
| Cultural Industries has become the latest target of lobbying by the recording 
| industry. First, they attempted to insert language that advocated that 
| European ISPs filter and block their own users on the basis of suspected 
| infringement. As we explained to European Members of Parliament, such 
| policies would not only harm the privacy and security of Net users - they 
| would not even work to combat infringement. Like DRM, everyone would lose, 
| including the music industry and artists that IFPI seeks to protect.       


MPAA Admits Mistake on Downloading Study

,----[ Quote ]
| But now the MPAA, which represents the U.S. motion picture industry, has told 
| education groups a "human error" in that survey caused it to get the number 
| wrong. It now blames college students for about 15 percent of revenue loss.  


Business Model Gone Bad: The Music and Movie Edition

,----[ Quote ]
| How Realistic is this new Business Model?
| How realistic is this? I think it is very realistic.


Hollywood Goes Too Far to Protect Content

,----[ Quote ]
| I first found out about the problem on New Year’s Eve, when I went to log 
| into my account. When I tried to launch a streaming movie, I was greeted with 
| an error message asking me to “reset” my DRM. Luckily, Netflix’s help page on 
| the topic included a link to a DRM reset utility, but when I went to install 
| the program, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this warning.    


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