In article <oZtlj.4900$1f.2083@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Why do you keep lying in your headlines? Do you think people won't go
> > read the stories and catch you?
> Obviously not, Tim. So why do you then assume it is lie, rather than a
> mistake due to a too-quick reading?
If *you* had posted it, with that headline, I'd assume a mistake,
because you don't have a history of posting headlines that completely
misrepresent sites you link to. Roy does. Same principle as holding
someone responsible for deaths they cause if they have had repeated
drunk driving incidents, but continue to drive drunk--he's either
deliberately lying or negligently lying.
For that particular article, it is hard to see how it is not the former,
considering how and where in the article GPLv3 is mentioned.
--Tim Smith