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Re: [News] Sun's CEO Tells the Story Behind the MySQL Acquisition

  • Subject: Re: [News] Sun's CEO Tells the Story Behind the MySQL Acquisition
  • From: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:24:27 +0100
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:70Wv7LBx94alyR89lFXdwUhD51w=
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwBAMAAAClLOS0AAAAKlBMVEUEAgJbIBVoY15hUCmc FhbtGBOVZkLntRzywheujjymop7OsJ7u07Lq6eilId+TAAAACXBIWXMAAABIAAAASABGyWs+AAAB 60lEQVQ4y83STUgVURjG8f85k6j3lp6xTS6MMaGNGiP0DQVhtAssolbWLAJBau2mYnLRx06Ckhbl bIooBGkXGAZBFPQxcKNNdNNNRMid46LIdDot7nTHcaZ9Zzk/znvmfXgk/zjyv4ftqhjkvRvF0Cp6 txWCoPbQKQKD/Hw5D5a7gqbDWg/WqzvT4oq52AzQFYCE6QBo4ffPqKYqWwD0fpDg+vWbQj1STy4B OMvpqBjhg1R9LsgZAxLCx8Ay/AAwIaKXsoMEtzwA8RlMAHyFvhkYR1IivODAh6nB+5raUagAZUfS g+v6YG4ed0d2HQGsGBiXlg8xAN78JwMQ7x6if68sAaEH8K2a/KGuDFsvZVc/30/+zcE+fMIGeDEk pFVhR/rdFoMAvB+WuM8bue+kyWv2kqSb3niNgBWy2xxL0n3beAAgMitWvgw2lCYIiuujk6Uy4Ca0 HjbUa/UuB5tmdRTpgpZEWq0+VcnAzBvWYsji7LM8rM5pMxflR2VPHsRABjw6gE727Rk7NbEGrM7b ZwHn6oFD8CUFcWtrtUfRelB0K8XmFFpqUB1RbYIlkgrU4bRYsG3b0/VQSinYKMD+1Q6w5KfgAGDM uQUdtU3qFKYAzDzx5LXro3rNHq/bNWwM8pvHo3c/PjifCeAPa9eNC9aoFNgAAAAaelRYdEpQRUct Q29sb3JzcGFjZQAAeNozAgAAMwAzERZ+YwAAACp6VFh0SlBFRy1TYW1wbGluZy1mYWN0b3JzAAB4 2jOqMNIxrDDUMawwBAARgwLpBsTKKAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark
  • References: <4560994.maXOD7oLck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu Debian-Lenny)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:596638
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> In a Vortex
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | In a vortex. That's the only way to describe the past thirty days, during 
> | which we closed out our second quarter, and put together the transaction to 
> | acquire MySQL. How'd it all start?  
> | 
> | "That'll never happen, I've been trying for years." That's what I told Rich 
> | Green (EVP, Software at Sun) about six months ago in response to his 
> | assertion, "if there were one company I'd love to acquire, it'd be MySQL. 
> | They're an amazing company." Why'd I say it was impossible?   
> | 
> | For nearly five years, I've been getting together for dinner with Marten 
> | Mickos, MySQL's CEO, catching up on the industry, chatting about trends and 
> | business models, and just as the dessert was about to be served... I'd 
> | say, "geez, we have so much in common, Marten, we see the world so similarly, 
> | what would you think about becoming a part of Sun?"     
> `----
> http://blogs.sun.com/jonathan/entry/in_a_vortex
> Nice video as well.
> Related:
> How and why MySQL grabbed $1bn in five weeks

Roy Spammowitz now openly advocating close source, proprietary licensing
and third parties making a fortune from OSS programmers hard work (and
those programmers obviously receiving little, if anything, in return).


One would have expected a "BoycottMySQL" site. But no, plenty of room
for a few more noses in the trough!

A bit plate of Hypocrisy with a large brandy and cigar all round please!

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