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[News] Perception of Free Software in Government Improves, Increases Use Expected

  • Subject: [News] Perception of Free Software in Government Improves, Increases Use Expected
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:36:37 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Govt agencies view open source as positive: survey

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) has released 
| a summary of the findings of its investigations into the use of free and open 
| source software (FOSS) within federal government agencies indicating most 
| expect to increase its use over the next five years.   


Sangoma Announces First Distribution Partner in India

,----[ Quote ]
| Sangoma’s PC-based products empower the deployment of IP telephony, helping 
| PeopleTech make the implementation and deployment of open source solutions a 
| smooth and successful process for businesses.  


Quote for the day:

"I thanked [Compaq's John] Rose for all of his trips to Seattle and his
willingness to distract a lot of time for the lawsuit."

                                --Bill Gates, oil tycoon


Lawmaker blasts U.K. government on Microsoft policy

,----[ Quote ]
| "A member of Parliament of the United Kingdom has launched a stinging
| attack on the U.K. government's IT strategy, saying that it has given
| Microsoft too much control.
| John Pugh, who is a member of Parliament, or MP, for Southport and a
| member of the Public Accounts Committee, was speaking in an
| adjournment debate on Tuesday that he had called. The aim of the
| debate, he said, was to explore the alternatives to using Microsoft
| software, including open source."
| [...]


Interview with Richard M. Stallman

,----[ Quote ]
| It is important to know this because we will always face pressure, from those 
| who are powerful and would like to take away our freedom, to surrender our 
| freedom—and they frequently offer us something attractive in exchange. For 
| instance, B’liar wanted to abolish the Rights of Englishmen, and to serve his 
| American master, Bush, faithfully; so he offered Britons “protection” from 
| this or that, plus the imagined idea that he influences his master on their 
| behalf through the “special relationship”.      
| The same thing happens in our field, too. Companies making consumer 
| electronics products want to impose DRM on us; they want to do this in 
| programs that they receive as free software, then pass them on to us in such 
| a way that we do not have the freedom to change them. So they invite us to 
| allow our software to be tivoized, and offer us, as an inducement, that our 
| software will be “more popular” if we cave in.     
| The only way to keep our freedom is to have the steadfastness to reject those 
| tempting offers. We have to move to a license like GPL version 3 that will 
| stop these tempters in their tracks.  


Fighting for Open Access in Russia

,----[ Quote ]
| The UK is apparently not the only country where there is a fight going on for 
| open access to government information: 
|     The Institute for Information Freedom Development (IIFD) fighting for the 
|     state standards to be available in the internet has managed to persuade 
|     the Russian government in its rightness. On the eve of the New Year’s 
|     holidays the decree of the RF cabinet of ministers setting the procedure 
|     to publish the national standards on the site of the Federal Agency for 
|     Metrology and Technical Regulation (Rostehregulirovanie) has been 
|     enforced. The document foresees the standards to be open and available 
|     free of charge. However, the officials do not intend to give up.       


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