Strange patent filed in China: Method to boot Linux OS from mobile harddisk
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| This is not the first time I heard about strange patents filed in China.
| [...]
| “This invention is about the method to boot Linux OS on removable storage
| which is attached to the USB port of PC. It is implemented in a way that
| firstly, setup Linux OS in the removable storage; then enter BIOS of the PC,
| to change the boot sequence to USB-HDD or USB-ZIP first; now boot the system,
| so user can choose the Linux version, and Linux kernel with initrd will be
| loaded by bootloader from the removable storage to PC memory; then boot the
| Linux kernel, initialize system and run tasks; mount filesystem of initrd,
| then switch to root filesystem on the removable storage; detect hardware
| devices, install drivers and configure them automatically; finally, start the
| desktop session, after user has input the username and password, detect
| hardware partitions automatically and mount them.”
Patent Auction and Semantic Web
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| I was just surprise that the business of patent trolling is going one step
| forward by proposing an auction platform to sell "intellectual capital" (as
| stated on the Ocean Tomo website.) and creating fear about a potential bidder
| having bad intentions.
The whole legal system is becoming a sick joke.
A Patent Lie
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| Microsoft sang a very different tune in 1991. In a memo to his
| senior executives, Bill Gates wrote, "If people had understood how
| patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented,
| and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete
| standstill today." Mr. Gates worried that "some large company will
| patent some obvious thing" and use the patent to "take as much of
| our profits as they want."
Sun exec accuses Microsoft of 'patent terrorism'
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| The efforts of Microsoft to pressure the Linux community over alleged and
| unspecified patents is akin to "patent terrorism", according to a local
| executive for Sun Microsystems.
Microsoft, the art of Corporate Terrorism.
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| Microsoft, no longer the technological leader in the Computer Desktop
| market, is taking on a terrorist role in its attempt remain in power
| at all costs. (see the link to the CNN story below)
| The tactic is intended to frighten current, and would be, free
| software users away from products that Microsoft just can't compete
| with. It's not a new tactic, but for the first time desperation is
| beginning to show.
Convicted Monopolist Terrorizes Software Industry
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| That headline is designed to grab your attention. Sensationalistic as
| it may be, it also happens to be true, if what you mean by 'terrorize'
| is to provoke fear.
| If you've been following the presidential race in the United States,
| you know the present crop of candidates have been exploiting the fear
| of the American people as they never have before in the history of
| the country.
Who is the world's biggest patent troll?
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| In two consecutive days, The Wall Street Journal presented two different
| answers. The first is not surprising: Intellectual Ventures, the brainchild
| of ex-Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold. It's now out "to raise as much as
| $1 billion to help develop and patent inventions, many of them from
| universities in Asia."
Playing Microsoft Patent Poker
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| This time though, while Ballmer slinks away to try to con … convince people
| that Microsoft Unified Communications somehow offers people more than what
| Cisco's VOIP (voice over IP) been offering customers for years, a patent
| attack finally launches at Linux. Specifically, IP Innovation, a subsidiary
| of Acacia Technologies Group, has filed a patent infringement claim against
| Linux distributors Novell and Red Hat.
| So was it just timing, or was it something more? Let's take a look at the
| players.