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[News] Extensive Listing of Linux Audio Software, Last.fm Review

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42 of the Best Free Linux Audio Software

,----[ Quote ]
| There is an extensive amount of free audio software available on the Linux 
| platform which is both mature and sophisticated. In fact, Linux has all the 
| tools needed to be a serious contender in music production without a user 
| having to venture into the commercial software world.   
| To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have 
| compiled a list of 42 high quality Linux audio applications, covering a broad 
| range of different uses. Most of the titles included here are desktop 
| applications sporting an attractive front-end, although we have not forgotten  
| console software.   


Review of the Last.fm Open-Source Client for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Last.fm is an open-source application licensed under the GPL, allowing you to 
| listen to Last.fm radio stations and submit the songs in the same time. For 
| those of you unfamiliar with Last.fm, it's a great social music community, 
| allowing you to submit songs you currently listen to, statistics, forums for 
| bands or music styles (or even more: Amarok has a group, most major 
| distributions also, and you can start your own group about anything, match 
| people and discuss), together with information for each artist, open for 
| anyone to edit, just like the Wikipedia style.       



Five of the Best Linux Audio Players

,----[ Quote
| Amarok
| Amarok makes use of core components from the K Desktop Environment, but is
| released independently of the central KDE release cycle. Amarok's tagline
| is "Rediscover Your Music", and its development is based around this
| ideology.
| [...]


Adjust Volume of Individual Applications with PulseAudio

,----[ Quote ]
| PulseAudio is the new sound server that’s being included in Ubuntu 8.04 and
| other recent Linux distros. A sound server lets changes be made to sound
| between the applications and sound hardware layers. Among other features,
| PulseAudio provides per-application volume controls, a plugin architecture,
| low-latency, networking features, and good application compatibility.    



Audio in Linux is awesome

,----[ Quote ]
| I can’t wait for PulseAudio. I’m sure that will make all of this even easier.


Why Vista sounds worse

,----[ Quote ]
| Changes to how the latest version of Windows handles audio playback has
| caused unexpected quality issues for musicians and consumers alike, reports
| Tim Anderson

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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