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Re: MICROSOFT PROPAGANDA: C.O.L.A. Newcomer FAQ and Primer, Edition: 23 - 10/24/07

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
High Plains Thumper on Friday :
Mark S Bilk wrote:
Clogwog nymthieving as "High Plains Thumper" wrote:

+ C.O.L.A. Newcomer FAQ and Primer + Edition: 23 -
10/24/07 + Group: comp.os.linux.advocacy + Copyright (c)
2002-2006 Linux Reality Team + PLEASE VISIT OUR HALL OF

This bogus document was created by Microsoft's anti-Linux propaganda team, and is published by its agents at least
once a month in this newsgroup.  In this case, the post
was forged in the name of a Linux advocate.  Microsoft
customers should be aware that some of the money paid for
MS software goes to hire sociopaths to write and
distribute material like this. Here is an excerpt from the
Microsoft document "Generalized Evangelism Timeline" that
was revealed in a lawsuit, showing that it is Microsoft
policy to publish such lies:

"Ideally, use of the competing technology becomes
associated with mental deficiency, as in, `he believes in
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and OS/2.' Just keep
rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups,
whatever. Make the complete failure of the competition's
technology part of the mythology of the computer

Details are available at:


From the Microsoft Evangelism document used on the Comes
court case:

PDF page 45:

"/Mopping up/.  During the mopping-up phase, ensure that the
enemy technology is routed.  Use the press, the Internet,
etc. to heighten the impression that the enemy is desperate,
demoralized, defeated, deceased."

PDF page 55:

"/11: Mopping up/"

It sounds like someone at Microsoft played too much Max Payne.
Having 'shot down' lots of advocates with threats to their
employers, it's time to sweep up all those 'dead bodies' and
hide the evidence before the MSBBC comes around for media
coverage of the 'win'.

Except EU noticed. I must admit, they (MS) have done a good job with their propaganda. Spoke with one such certified person in the working world. He blatantly told me that Linux was no more stable than Microsoft, he had tried it at home and was unimpressed.

Of course he was, the only thing he knows is Microsoft. Take away the umbrella and he'd get wet. In general, people will only promote that which they feel comfortable with.

Talk about saving money, reducing costs, increasing productivity, they are lost. To them it is just the cost of doing business.


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