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Re: UPDATE on switching from Windows to Ubuntu Linux

____/ Ben on Friday 18 July 2008 19:18 : \____

> WhøKñèw wrote:
>> "Ben" <beno1990@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:g5ql3a$3gt$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> OK wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:20:53 -0500, Ingoramus20788
>>>> <ignoramus20788@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, right. Are you done with your fairy tale? Your crappy app will
>>>> not run any better on that 70's OS. If your developpers cannot write
>>>> code that scales, switching OS will only make things worse.
>>> Why does everyone around here have to go calling everyone else a liar when
>>> someone says something which for whatever immature reason you just don't
>>> believe?
>> Because anyone who sings the praises of linsux is a liar
> :D And you're intelligent, aren't you. That was a great post, and I
> think you should maybe choose different newsgroups to hang around in.

He tried. He emptied them by driving everyone away.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | http://debian.org
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