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Re: [News] Review of the Xfe File Manager

On 2008-07-14, Ezekiel <y@xxxxx> wrote:
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:2204360.9OYU7z1fN1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Xfe Review - Wonderful File Manager
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | In my opinion, Xfe is just awesome. If you never tried it until now, you
>> | really should take it for a spin, no matter what desktop environment you 
>> are
>> | using. Themes will make it fit well in any of them, it's fast, it 
>> provides
>> | powerful enough features, it has a great clean and intuitive interface, 
>> and
>> | in my opinion it's the simplest to learn from all the file managers I 
>> tried
>> | up to date. A great piece by all means, which can surprisingly become 
>> the
>> | file manager of choice after one single try.
>> `----
>> http://vivapinkfloyd.blogspot.com/2008/07/xfe-review-wonderful-file-manager.html
> Looks like little more than a copy of the Windows Explorer.

...which is pretty much a knockoff of the GEM desktop once you get
to essential UI elements. Big fat hairy deal...


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