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Re: Yale Students' Lawsuit Unmasks Anonymous Trolls

"Clogwog" <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:20080730184349.2B9801C00084@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht news:8b34b7ce-6d73-4b04-9a77-851545f9ff2e@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Women named Jill and Hillary should be raped."

Those are the words of "AK-47" [whose posts were] so vile they spurred
a national debate on the limits of online anonymity, and an
unprecedented federal lawsuit aimed at unmasking and punishing the

Now lawyers for two female Yale Law School students have ascertained
AK-47's real identity, along with the identities of other AutoAdmit
posters, who all now face the likely publication of their names in
court records...

The unmasking of the posters marks a milestone in a rare legal
challenge to the norms of online commenting, where arguments live on
for years in search-engine results and where reputations can be
sullied nearly irreparably by anyone with a grudge, a laptop and a
WiFi connection...

Both women tried in vain to persuade the administrators of the
AutoAdmit.com site to remove the threads, according to the lawsuit.
But then the story of the cyber-harassment hit the front page of The
Washington Post, and the law school trolls became fodder for cable
news shows. Soon after, the female law students, with help from
Stanford and Yale law professors, filed the federal lawsuit in June
2007 seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.

The Jane Doe plaintiffs contend that the postings about them became
etched into the first page of search engine results on their names,
costing them prestigious jobs, infecting their relationships with
friends and family, and even forcing one to stop going to the gym for
fear of stalkers....

A federal judge ruled in January that the attorneys could serve
subpoenas on ISPs and webmail providers. Using that power, the lawyers
have unmasked some -- though not all -- of the AutoAdmit posters.

Now they're asking the judge to give them additional time to try and
determine the identities of the remaining defendants, who are
currently being sued under their AutoAdmit handles: among others,
PaulieWalnuts, Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey, The Ayatollah of Rock-n-
Rollah, Patrick Bateman and HitlerHitlerHitler.

[How about Moshe Goldfarb, Ezekiel, Dr. Shlongwell, Professor Dungby
or Ms. Polly Ester?]

How about HPT?, you fucking less than useless grandma's scraggy tit?

<snip lines of unoriginal repetitive and boring
reason for someone to seek urgently needed mental
health treatment>

The Yale students story is interesting.  I'm as
interested as anyone to see those rubbish posters
found and neutralized, and if in the process they
get to hurt a little, I'm ok with that.  If a few
of those here could likewise go away, it would
greatly improve discussion here.

However.  The door is clearly opened to ideological
censorship such as Washington so clearly wants, and
I think that overall, the result is more social
damage than social good.  America as a country does
seem intent to emulate China and like totalitarian

Now this cyberspace action has brought some health
issues out into our present world, where our local
government can work against open discussion in an
area that needs attention from mental health
pros not more intrusion from ignorant legislators.
Look at the censoring of all of alt usenet, which
we see today.  Well, here comes more of that.

Titeotwawki -- mha  [cola 2008 Jly 30]

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