On Jul 30, 10:58 am, Homer <use...@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Verily I say unto thee, that ness...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx spake thusly:
> > <Quote>
> > Shuttleworth responded to a question about the possibility of
> > Microsoft making patent claims against open-source code by saying: "I
> > don't believe Microsoft will file suit against free software
> > developers. It would be tantamount to declaring nuclear war. ... And
> > I can afford it."
> > </Quote>
> >http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Linux-and-Open-Source/Shuttleworth-Microsoft...
> I very much doubt that Shuttleworth is a financial match for the Vole,
> even with their current 90 Billion in losses this year so far. However,
> if this trend continues then it might be a different matter, especially
> if Big Blue were to get involved.
> Its a moot point anyway, because Microsoft has never had any intention
> of doing any more than make veiled threats - their FUD is far more
> effective than litigation, and cheaper too.
Yes, and Microsoft has much to lose in litigation, such as the things
that come out in court. That was certainly the case in the recent
suits over the "Vista ready" designations on underpowered machines,
and also in the Iowa trial, that Microsoft settled out of court just
as a lot of incriminating evidence was coming out. Fortunately, much
of it was saved (by Groklaw) before it was jerked off-line,
immediately after the settlement.