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Re: [News] Google Does Evil, Adopts 'Nokia Mentality'

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____/ Mark Dodel on Saturday 26 July 2008 12:17 : \____

> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 10:10:32 UTC, thufir <hawat.thufir@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> -> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 09:51:35 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ->
> ->
> -> > Google Code blacklists Mozilla Public License
> -> >
> -> > ,----[ Quote ]
> -> > | The Mozilla Public License (MPL) is the latest casualty of Google's
> -> > decision | to remove open-source licenses from its popular code hosting
> -> > service. |
> -> > | The search giant has said Google Code is no longer accepting projects
> -> > | licensed under MPL, although existing MPL-licensed code is allowed to
> -> > stay. |
> -> > | The move comes two years after Google Code launched, when MPL was one
> -> > of just | seven licenses Google allowed developers to use. Others
> -> > included Apache, BSD | and the Free Software Foundation's GPL and LGPL.
> -> > |
> -> > | Google's MPL ban follows the block on FSF's Affero GPL. That
> -> > decision's seen | a number of projects abandon Google Code for rival
> -> > hosts. `----
> -> >
> -> > http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/07/25/googlecode_bans_mpl/
> ->
> ->
> ->
> -> "This could certainly explain Google's aversion to Affero, which says
> -> companies like Google running services are distributing code and must
> -> allow consumers of those services to modify and pass on that code. That
> -> could threaten the Google's secret algorithmic sauce."
> ->
> ->
> -> How bizarre. I mean the code is *there*, "the" consumers can browse or
> -> checkout the code regardless of the license.  None of the licenses would
> -> prohibit passing on the code.  Also, it's pretty clear that it's a
> -> hosting service and that the code isn't written by google, just hosted.
> -> Why would anyone sue anyone over a subversion repository?  What the
> -> hell's meant by 'algorithmic sauce", combining free services with ad
> -> revenue?
> ->
> msft will sue anyone for anything.   They are becoming the next SCO.
> They have nothing but losers in regard to products but they have lots
> of lawyers with nothing better to do then sue.

They might prefer to sue by proxy though.

It wasn't long ago that Pamela Jones said on the record to InfoWorld
that "Microsoft is the next SCO Group." During OSCON, she also said to
attendants to treat Microsoft as though it's already suing them because she
believes they will.

I personally think they'll use shell companies, so it's important to keep on
eye on inter-company relationships.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

The folks on the Ubuntu CD cover need to apt-get shirt, not sudo fsck.
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