* Martha Adams peremptorily fired off this memo:
> This is the same idea as your Web browser can tell
> the other party you're using Windows software; and I
> expect a fix will be published shortly.
> But a better fix, is to publish how one identifies a
> Foxconn motherboard so that everyone can know these
> boards are defective and don't buy them. *That*
> should get the mfr's attention as well as be very
> useful information to everyone.
> The interesting question this raises is, is Microsoft
> the instigator of this scheme? Where else are they
> doing this to us? ??
> And, it shows Microsoft products cannot stand on their,
> uh, merits; and Microsoft knows it.
Well, corporate stupidity or developer laziness/stupidity are still
possible explanations. I personally don't suspect that Microsoft or
Intel had any direct hand in it.
My Dell laptop has an issue when I boot to the DSL (Damn Small Linux)
that's part of Billix. The author of that package, Bill Childers sent
me an email indicating to use the "acpi=off" option, and that did the
trick for me.
This night methinks is but the daylight sick.
-- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"