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Re: "Microsoft gags UK schools"

Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <g52ru0$uvk$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>  Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Tim Smith wrote:
>>> > In article <g52h9a$i14$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>> >  Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> >> Certainly, there are exceptions, for instance if "the public interest
>>> >> in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in
>>> >> disclosing the information.", if the information is a matter of
>>> >> national security, and in a limited number of other cases -- none of
>>> >> which apply here. Then again,
>>> > 
>>> > Why doesn't the exception in item 43 apply?
>>> Because it is taxpayers' money, and their collective right to know how
>>> it's spent outweighs Microsoft's "trade secrets" and other reasons for
>>> obfuscating the cost of their crapware to society.
>> By that argument, then isn't item 43 completely pointless?
> This would rather seem to be the case.
>> If so, why is it there?
> Good question. The basic principle is very clear: the taxpayer has the right
> to know how his tax money is spent. This is one very important rule to
> prevent corruption and "old boys networks" in public projects.
> There are exceptions, though: during a public tender process, bidding must
> be kept confidential for the exact same reason why openness is required
> afterwards: to ensure that deals are made fair and square. But something
> tells me that this isn't item 43 attempts to address.

The FOA act was created to handle exactly this kind of situation.
Microsoft have positively no argument for keeping their usage of my money
secret from me at all.  The law was in place before they signed the deal
with Becta, and they were fully aware that it could be exercised at any
time, by any British Citizen.

I hope this is taken to court and the truth is outed as soon as possible.

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