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Re: [News] GNU/Linux Supercomputer Breaks Record

Ezekiel wrote:

> "Jerry McBride" <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:90v2i5xnlj.ln2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ____/ Jerry McBride on Tuesday 10 June 2008 02:01 : \____
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> Military Supercomputer Sets Record
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>> | The Roadrunner is based on a radical design that includes 12,960
>>>>> chips
>>>>> | that are an improved version of an I.B.M. Cell microprocessor, a
>>>>> | parallel processing chip originally created for Sony?s PlayStation 3
>>>>> | video-game machine. The Sony chips are used as accelerators, or
>>>>> | turbochargers, for portions of calculations.
>>>>> `----
>>>>> The Cells typically run Fedora, IIRC.
>>>>> Related:
>>>>> IBM cells out, allegedly
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>> | Biggish blue has officially released its first computing system
>>>>> | based around the Cell Broadband Engine, or Cell BE.
>>>>> |
>>>>> | [...]
>>>>> |
>>>>> | One of the beta users at the University of Manchester said it gave
>>>>> the
>>>>> | outfit improved performance, took up less space, and consumed less
>>>>> | power.
>>>>> `----
>>>>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=34831
>>>>> IBM begins selling Cell blades
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>> | Unlike IBM blades with Big Blue's Power processors, Intel's Xeon or
>>>>> | Advanced Micro Devices' Opteron, the Cell blades can't be intermixed
>>>>> | with other varieties in the same BladeCenter chassis. The systems
>>>>> | run Red Hat's Fedora Core 5 version of Linux.
>>>>> `----
>>>> Awesome news about te Cell. I wonder when the Cell will be available
>>>> for desktop usage? I long for the day when I could have a quad core
>>>> Cell and Linux on my desk.
>>> Maybe that's good for video editing/rendering. There's not much that
>>> requires so much power and can't be shifted to a server (controlled from
>>> the desktop/terminal). For gaming there's the PS3.
>> It just occurred to me... if IBM were to start selling Cell powered
>> desktops... it would usher in a new wave of hardware upgrades... the
>> likes of which you never saw before. Once Average Joe gets a taste of
>> Cell and Linux... the WINTEL group would begin to freeze in Hell... AMD
>> too. Seem's to me that IBM has an ace in the hole. The big question is,
>> why and what are they waiting for?
> It's absolutely amazing how you are so smart and everyone who works at IBM
> is so stupid. The CEO of IBM should fire a few thousand people and replace
> them all with just you, the linux advocate who posts to COLA. Clearly
> everyone who works at IBM is completely incompetent bordering on retarded
> because not a single one of the thousands of IBM employees is able to come
> up with this same "brilliant" idea that took you all of 15-seconds to
> discover.

If you insist. But it does make for interesting discussion. Imagine having
the fastest cpu on earth and not promoting it for common usage. What would
be driving the decision makers at IBM... right now... for not pushing or at
the least hawking the Cell for desktops or laptops? Last I read, the Cell
would make a decent laptop processor too.

A Cell desktop, running any flavor of Cell aware linux, would be the
ultimate desktop computer. Imagine... finger click and anything you want
done on your desktop is done.. Little to no waiting for processes... just
results. No, Roy. There is a niche market (at the least) that would buy it.
me being on potential customer.


Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)

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