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Re: [News] Another School Turns to Free Software

Verily I say unto thee, that Rick spake thusly:
> On Mon, 02 Jun 2008 23:04:48 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:

>> You want to because you are a radical with an agenda. The guy using
>> Photoshop is an artist who wants to earn a living.

Prove that he can't earn a living with Free Software.

IMO you and your imaginary artist friend are simply bigots, which makes
your assertion that I am a "radical" quite hypocritical.

> Yeah. All those people that have pirated Photoshop are professional 
> artists.

Nearly everyone I know who uses Photoshop is using an unlicensed copy.
After Windows itself, it's probably the No2 "pirated" software.

>> Think of it this way, you are hanging a picture on a wall. Do you
>> really need a $150.00 hammer with a carbon fiber handle? Would you
>> even know the difference between that one or the $3.99 Dollar
>> Heaven Special?
>> Probably not.
>> A person who is a professional carpenter will though which is why
>> he will more than likely have a much higher grade ($$$$$$$) of
>> tools than you will.

It's a very naive outlook to make a directly proportional correlation
between price and quality, especially when what one is paying for is the
fictitious element of Intellectual Property delivered in a facsimile
copy (i.e. a commercial license for proprietary software).

Such things have zero inherent value, and indeed /no/ products have any
inherent value beyond material costs. The marked-up prices we pay for
the goods we buy are determined by the number of intermediaries used to
deliver those products to consumers, and market research used to
determine the maximum price that can be squeezed out of consumers before
they complain and go to a competing product.

The concept of monetary value is, much like the concept of "Intellectual
Property", purely fictitious.

IMHO the couple of extra features in Photoshop are simply not worth over
a thousand dollars ... to me or anyone else, and losing my Freedom is
not worth even an additional /penny/.


| 'When it comes to knowledge, "ownership" just doesn't make sense'
|     ~ Cory Doctorow, The Guardian.  http://tinyurl.com/22bgx8

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