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[News] 'Child Porn' Used as Excuse to Shut down All Newsgroups (USENET)

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Usenet Villified In NY Deal With ISPs

,----[ Quote ]
| Time Warner Cable will turn off all newsgroup access, while Sprint plans to 
| cut access to the whole alt.* segment. Verizon may follow Sprint's example. 
| Blocking all newsgroups does appear to be a broad approach to a problem 
| involving a minority of such groups. As with the Internet in general, not 
| everything in Usenet poses a threat. But no one wants to be tainted with even 
| a suggestion of being soft on child porn, hence the rush to apply censorship 
| with a sweeping axe rather than a skillfully-wielded scalpel.    


Kill USENET because it might -- just might -- contain *something*. Oh
noes! "Terrorists". What's next? Torrent? P2P? HTTP? FTP? The likes of
Microsoft/MPAA/RIAA, along with ACTA and the help of bought 'governments', are
already working on it. And there's this one too (animal activists=illegal?):

EFF Sues Rodeo Group Over Removal Of Videos On YouTube

,----[ Quote ]
| The Electronic Frontier Foundation has asked a federal court to protect the 
| free speech rights of an animal rights group after its video critiques of 
| animal treatment at rodeos were removed from YouTube because of false 
| copyright claims.   



Caught in the ACTA

,----[ Quote ]
| Politicans remain the ultimate dinosaurs in terms of openness: ideally, the
| rich and powerful would like to make their cosy deals - often aimed at that
| dangerous openness - behind closed doors.
| [...]
| This secret agreement, drawn up without any public discussion or oversight,
| would basically impose all of the worst aspects of US intellectual monopolies
| on everyone in sight - starting with willing stooges like the UK, and
| progressing to the unwilling but powerless.



Animal Rights Activists Forced to Hand Over Encryption Keys

,----[ Quote ]
| If you remember, this was sold to the public as essential for fighting 
| terrorism. It's already being misused. 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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