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Re: Whatever happened to Microsoft's DRM plan?

Verily I say unto thee, that Linonut spake thusly:
> * Erik Funkenbusch peremptorily fired off this memo:

>> Yep.  All the TPM chip is is a hardware repository for encryption 
>> keys.

Oh dear, I thought it was only your protégé Smith who feigned obtuseness
to obfuscate the truth. Here's the part you missed:

Remote attestation allows changes to the user's computer to be detected
by authorized parties. For examples, software companies can avoid users
tampering with their software to circumvent technological protection


This is an abuse of technology that violates consumers' fair-use rights,
that might (for example) be used to prevent making (or subsequently
using) backup copies of purchased media. IOW this is DRM.

>> For example, it's hard to have a fully encrypted hard drive without
>> something like a TPM (otherwise you have to carry keys on a USB 
>> drive or CD or something similar)
> Isn't the latter kind of what you'd want to do anyway, to keep the 
> machine safe when you're not around?

I would imagine it's easier to access (and subsequently hack) keys
stored on a standard mass storage device than a TPM, but I suppose that
depends on the hacker and his tools. Of course the upside to using
removable storage is that the hacker must first /find/ and steal that
device (in addition to the machine being hacked) before he can proceed.

In either case, there's always cold-boot attacks:

Generally, pushing the security down to the hardware level in
conjunction with software provides more protection than a software-only
solution that is more easily compromised by an attacker. However even
where a TPM is used, the key is still vulnerable while a software
application that has obtained it from the TPM is using it to perform
encryption/decryption operations, as has been illustrated in the case of
a cold boot attack.



| "Stallman has frequently pointed out, Free Software is by no means
| antithetical to making money: it's just a question of how you make
| money." ~ Glyn Moody: http://tinyurl.com/4wn2l2 (ComputerworldUK)

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