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[News] Red Hat Expects Growth, Stays Unharmed by Oracle's Ripoff

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Red Hat expects steady growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat said on a conference call with analysts that it expected continued 
| revenue growth, to between $162 million and $164 million, and flat earnings 
| in the second quarter.  


What happened to Oracle's Red Hat challenge?

,----[ Quote ]
| In March, Oracle announced that it had 2,000 customers for its Unbreakable 
| Linux Support program, up from 1,500 in November. 
| "This indicates significant growth for the program, although we believe the 
| vast majority of those customer wins are in Oracle-heavy accounts," notes 
| Matt Aslett, an analyst of enterprise software for The 451 Group, based in 
| New York.    


A Sun Update on the NetApp Litigation

,----[ Quote ]
| Releasing code is not all there is to it. Ethics, fairness, honesty -- it's 
| the FOSS culture, and it's the value add. Any company that tries to play by 
| the old rules undercuts that advantage. It's the one thing Microsoft can't 
| embrace, extend, extinguish. They can't even offer Brand X, because we'd all 
| laugh. It would, in any case, take decades to live down their rep. So players 
| in this space need to morph that part of their way of doing business also. If 
| you don't believe me, look at Oracle's play to try to undercut Red Hat. 
|                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Blech. And Red Hat is doing fine, thanks. It always will, unless it starts 
| importing proprietary tactics into the mix. The community is made up of 
| brainiacs, you know. They know what is happening, and there are no secrets, 
| long-term. So I would hope that all companies wanting to make use of openness 
| as a model will scrape the proprietary crud off of them before they enter. We 
| want to keep things clean in here.            



Red Hat net up slightly, rev climbs 32 pct

,----[ Quote ]
| Revenue rose 32 percent to $156.6 million, the company said. Analysts were
| expecting revenue of about $153.1 million, according to Reuters Estimates.

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